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  1. Be sure and read every reply(even the ones that look sarcastic on the surface) It is pointless for anyone to continue answering if you are not reading.
  2. Not a problem. Yeah they have been Beta testing it for roughly a year now. It has several new features and works pretty well since the last set of fixes. They are also working up a new stats system. Best of luck;
  3. I am sorry to hear that for you. Not sure where ours will be under load, but idle the application is at 53-54 MB of RAM and 2-3% on a 2xQuad Core 2.6 Win2K3 System. I never have any of my cores max, but one does spike up to about 70% from 41% during a server startup. Have not experienced this yet either thankfully. I am only anxious for AA's people to get everything lined out and fully functional with the lobby system so that I can play. I downloaded full version through STEAM and it is still locked as of this post. Best of luck;
  4. Mine are running at roughly 53MB each Jason. I downloaded my files about 10am yesterday from STEAM and installed them on 2 Win2K3 boxes without incident so far using this config.
  5. Up and running, all is well. P.S. Be sure to check the PB Config as it is not generic.
  6. Thanks a ton for sharing with the community Jaggl. Up and running as I already had downloaded the files
  7. What exactly are you wanting to do? What I mean is are you wanting a BMT instance for each server, or one stand alone for all? I use the later option and have installed BMT on my TCA admin account and then each server simply gets access to their server files via the TCA file manager. The server reboot client side in TCA actually does nothing, but we have all servers reboot every morning anyway. In addition to the fact that they can stop and start their own server via BMT. If you are just looking to run a few instances as requested then that will work just fine, but keep in mind that BHD in general is flaky for dedicated hosting unless you are a Nova affiliate and get the corresponding build. And trust me, you won't be getting that.
  8. You have chosen one of the hardest games that I have found to host with TCA so first allow me to say good luck unless of course you have found an affiliate copy and I don't imagine that to be the case. Next I have to ask you, have you installed the game to a local system and uploaded all files to the server either in raw form, or as a .zip archive?
  9. um, have you actually tried the src one? I have not tried the one that you mentioned above, but I do know that I have the src one installed as a service to the admin in TCA which makes it also restart with the system without having to login. In addition to that fact you also have the option to turn off desktop interaction as with all TCA services. PLus there is already a TCA config written for the srcboost for those interested.
  10. Thanks for the config ECF. You are the man! All works great at this time. Having the high memory usage issue, but I will look into the pb script mentioned on page 1 of this topic.
  11. Update, I found the new config file in the forums here and all works GREAT. The only problem that I am finding is that I have been unable to locate where to enable PB in the config files. I have enclosed both the server.ini and the ArmyOps.ini files. Thanks for the help. ArmyOps.ini.txt server.ini.txt
  12. yes, I am using version
  13. I hope this is what you need. Let me know if you need anything else and thank you very much for your time. ArmyOps.zip
  14. Ok, I Installed AA to my personal system, then copied the entire raw game directory uncompressed to My2ndServer:\GameInstalls\AA and created a server with "Interact With Desktop" selected. After an install of the server it opens the game window on the desktop of the server so that I can trouble shoot any problems. Everything seems to be running fine upon initial review, but the server is not viewable on the AA server list. I can add it to favorites, but I cannot view any of the server info, or join it. The server IP is:, PORT:1716, QUERY PORT:1717. I did register the server at AmericasArmy.com as an "Authorized" server. Please find attached my cfg file. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. America's Army.txt
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