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Everything posted by G33K!

  1. Is it possible to have the 2.6/2.5 config file? TY
  2. sned it to me2, clement[dot]padovani{at}gmail<dot>com ty
  3. Yes, I know, but can you send me the version for 2.5 and 2.6 if possible? What I meant, was something like a form, were you had this for example: Server Name: PlayerAdmins: AdminPassword: And with that form, as soon as you press submit, it would edit the ArmyOps.ini instead of having to go directly in it. This is for the client side, not the admin side. Thank You
  4. Thank you, also, do I need to make a plug-in to edit the default config files, like for ArmyOps.ini, fo the server name, make a simple thing like Gameservers.com or SMPM?
  5. Hello, is it possible that I get the configuration for America's Army? What ever version is accepted. Thank You.
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