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cheevass's Achievements

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Casual Member (3/8)



  1. Hello, How are you? I installed medal of honor spearhead. I can list files in a folder with ssh. If i list these files with a ftp client the files are not displayed. How to solve it? Greetings,
  2. As tu personnaliser la ligne de d?marrage ?
  3. Il y a juste un executable a lancer, le reste se passe dans le fichier de configuration...
  4. Salut, Voici une version faite en environ une heure de temps, il faut trouver le bon protocole de communication avec le jeu, pour le moment il utilise le "CommandLigne" .... J'ai peux etre fait des inversion de ports, a corriger, mais deja tu as une base fonctionnelle (DS) A bientot, Nicolas Project CARS - Windows.xml
  5. Hello, Have you a link to download / install this? thank you
  6. Hello, Are you able to run the KF2 server? From my side my machine stock consists 100% of Intel Xeon processors, and apparently for this game it is necessary to have a graphics chipset or graphics card for DirectX. Have you had any problems? How did you do? thank you
  7. Utiliser un traducteur ==> https://translate.google.fr/?hl=fr&tab=wT
  8. Salut, Il n'existe pas de binaire officiel en version linux, uniquement Windows... Pour faire marchez sous linux, il faut utiliser "wine" mais aucune garantie sur la stabilit?... Bon week-end
  9. Salut, Voici une premiere version xml de FS15 Windows, par contre il ne gere pas : - Les cl? de licence - Le blocage de la modification du port - Le blocage de la modification du nombre de slots Il y a sans d'autres problemes, ont est ici pour partager notre experience. Telechargement du jeux : http://eshop.giants-software.com/downloads.php A bientot Nicolas FS 2015 - Windows.xml
  10. Salut, As tu attribuer une limite de m?moire a ton jeux Minecraft ?
  11. Hello, I try to run the server but it "crash" Here is a screen printed seal below: Is anyone has any idea of the reason for the crash? best regards
  12. *** Message to upload the third picture *** And I validate my configuration and it makes me a different error message Normal no protocol is defined ... My question is how to make Tcadmin can scan the server and display the rules and retrieve the number of players online on the server and the server name etc .... 'The rules of the server ".... If you have slopes in pictures, I biensur prenneur to have functional template. best regards Nicolas
  13. Hello there, In my configuration arma3 I encounter a troublesome concern is that the system says that arma3 server does not respond to Requette, while gamespy v4 protocol is selected, the following error message: So I put on the list no protocol: ...
  14. Hello, We installed our TcAdmin2 your XML, and games in our steam account. We have a DLL that is rajoutter: msvcr100.dll which was manquand in Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit Fr. We have the error message is as follows (see picture) Would you settle for a solution to the problem? cordially
  15. Hello,

    On this link (http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8874)

    Would you by any chance a link to download the files to create a BF3 server?

    thank you very much


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