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Everything posted by shapka

  1. stop spam the forum , there is no c: in linux...
  2. is any one have Project Reality CFG ? just applied for server license Thanks.
  3. is is possible ? to create a costum vdir to each server? in V1 version was a script , is any scripts or trick in V2 ? thanks..
  4. is that is possible to do ? can it even work ? is any one knows ? Thanks for advice . <3 u all
  5. the issue is many servers like css, hl2dm , l4d , l4d2 and others hlds,scrds based servers have many updates . so if iam not a gameprovider but i have an a community and alot of servers,ihave to manyally update every server . it will e great if an standart "user" can create a cron job to update hes server every x time... and iam not taking to the batch update ...
  6. the idea is to take a special dedicated server ,with alot of space and on server create ,this server can be used as a backup server for usergame files . and also the tcadmin will create an "URL" for fast download links for that user. server will operata as main file stream server for backup or fastd service...
  7. shapka


    any errors on remote/master console ?
  8. good morning guys a little explanaition of my problem. , i have a cstrike server with mods configured. now i want to install an czero servers and use the mods thats alredy configured, so i made cstrike as template and try to use the czero as cstrike 1.6 template . ok i get the mod list , but the mods configured to cstrike folder :/ so no way to install it ... i trued to edit the mod list and enter the "$[service.RootDirectory]" variable , but that not helped... any way to solve this problem ?
  9. we just have one procon app running so we just created an app and in script we added F:\TCAFiles\Users\*****\34\PRoConUpdater.exe ping -n 10 > NUL TASKKILL /F /IM "PRoCon.exe" when user is stoip the service the script starts , he run the updater to update the tool and after 10 sec he run the app ... if some one need kind of update solution ....
  10. look here http://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS this will help you .
  11. ECF , any way to make an function of mass import of config files from V1 , tothe V2 version in zip files?
  12. username : администратор the support ticked have troubles with russian characters :/
  13. add permission didnt help :/
  14. ok i try to create permissions manually :/
  15. and in users accounts i see only TCAweb... but no TCAgame :/
  16. strange ! i dont see any TCAweb or TCAgame users at all .. even on TCadmin2 :/
  17. trying to install an slave server on windows 2003 32 bit and i get this in web browser : any advice ? thanks
  18. hi mates any one have "world in conflict" configs ? tnx , igor
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