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Everything posted by VicToMeyeZR

  1. Sorry we, didn't really have anything of value. I understand that you might have nabbed most of our customers anyways. :) I didn't even know you could PM on this site. lol..

  2. And now we got companies reverse engineering the MBS system, and like they aren't having enough problems with it, they have the extra load of GameTracker, and Battletracker illegally accessing the MBS system for game stats, because AA ~chose not to purchase a license for GameSpy. good move.... Any bets on whether or not GS gets their license pulled? lol
  3. well when your dealing with the Army and all its political BS, it probably would take them 10 years. Hell AA still isn't fixed.
  4. yes, pretty much all of use with license has a working TCA config. The honor cfg is the same as the regular config. Why you asking for a specific honor cfg? Trying to hack honor already?
  5. Yes I run Dual Quad Xeons and its the same. 15-25% CPU and it varies on RAM, since there is a RAM leak bug were if you don't restart them at least once a day or every 12 hours they will continue to BUILD ram usage. I had one up to 1.45GB of RAM before I restarted it; went back to 400MB for a little bit. Mostly they hover around 600-800MB
  6. Thats is from their authorization server, it is not a server query.. From AA : There is NO outside query capability built into the server.
  7. ALL the AA3*.ini files will change as the server is running. The only INI file you should modify is DefaultGame.ini
  8. tcadmin starts the server, it doesn't use the runserver.bat go to System Settings > supported games > click on AA. scroll all the way to the bottom and click on default config file. Find the ArmyOps.ini ans click on edit. you should be able to figure it out from there. If you want to change it to the Server.ini then delete the ArmyOps.ini entry and click on new. enter the location to the server.ini should be /System/server.ini then click on template file and copy paste the ini file you want to be the default on install. Make sure your configurable options like RCON paasword and Private password, and server IP has the variable name in the spot is goes so would look like: AdminPassword=%rconpassword% GamePassword=%privatepassword% MaxPlayers=%slots% IP=%serverip% etc... you should get the idea. Then go back to you folder where the files are stored for download should be C:\GameInstalls\AA or AA2840 or whatever it is. If it is a ZIP file you need to decompress it. DELETE the server.ini file from that. Otherwise you may get an ini file that has all duplicate entries.
  9. steam downloads should ONLY be used for your client, not a game server.... The only games you should even think about running with steam is.....well steam/valve games. Like your Half Life and Half Life 2..
  10. Why are you always acting like you are holier-than-thou? Not like you are running game servers exactly like everyone else. DO you think that GameServers bought 10,000 copies of every game they host. I don't think so.
  11. Personally I think a ban, and license removal for his TCA if he even has one is in order.
  12. Sounds like a load of BS to me. Crack copy. LMAO.. what a(n) ..............(fill in the blank)
  13. Jason, can you update you config to have it set at callofduty query? What about gametracker, etc..
  14. Has anyone had problems with this not showing in gametracker, game-monitor or HLSW? For me Game-Monitor and Gametracker doesn't show. I haven't tested HLSW yet though. It also doesn't Query in TCA either?
  15. because thats what SickPuppy does... Just like his server that runs 500 slots without any problems.. yeah. sure.
  16. I am actually with leet on that one.
  17. you can download the game from AA, you don't need anyone here to provide it for you. Besides, the only way to ensure that you get the latest version is to download it from AA. http://americasarmy.com
  18. EA downloader is a purchased game. You buy it from EA digitally.
  19. Is it just me, or are some of these companies releasing multiplayer games WAY to early..I mean, with out the GSP hosting the dedicated servers, who really can play them? :/
  20. The manual mention it only allows one server per computer... Anyone know if this is true or not?
  21. lmao. Leet. I love that picture in your sig.
  22. Anyone have the config files for this as a secondary app? Thanks in advance. Sorry the bf2142ccd.exe file.
  23. EA's website is useless for server info. lol... I can't believe their dedicated server files has nothing to set an IP... Good job EA, once again.
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