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  1. DJzz

    Mass emails I selected "Game/Voice Services" selected the games I wanted and ticked the option "Send copy to sub users". It then sent an email per server. Have you tried with the same settings? I guess the "Users" option will work as they're all individual.
  2. DJzz

    Mass emails

    It seems the mass emails sends multiple emails if the user has more than 1 server, can there be an option to only send the email once per user?
  3. Have you got the stop command set in Text Console --> Stop Console Commands http://help.tcadmin.com/Text_Console You could even use save-all before stop to be extra sure.
  4. Is FTP enabled on the server you're trying to move the game server to? 8821 is the default FTP port. Server Management --> Servers --> Server name --> FTP Settings --> Enable the TCAdmin FTP server
  5. Icons for what? You can add them to specific games by using Custom Scripts on event Custom Icon http://help.tcadmin.com/Custom_Scripts
  6. I'd recommend looking at DayZcc (http://dayzcc.tk/), not sure it'll work that well with TCAdmin but due to the resources DayZ requires I'd put it on a VPS. DayZcc supports different maps, a web admin with different user levels, whitelisting, automated database backups etc.
  7. I know this is an old post but there seems to be a bug with Chrome that is only pastes some of the text, if you use Firefox (or IE) you can paste the whole of the exclude txt file.
  8. What you can do is use the Rule Detection in Query Monitoring for Minecraft and set it to server-ip <> $[service.IpAddress] server-port <> $[service.GamePort] It won't fix the problem but it'll stop the server if they change the IP or Port.
  9. It seems servers can be started during batch updates, this causes the update to fail. Is it possible to disable the start button when an update is in progress like when a server is being installed? Thanks
  10. Any update on when this is expected?
  11. Are you running Java 7? I'm pretty sure Tekkit needs Java 7 rather than 6.
  12. Is there a time scale on when to expect the news system on v2? I find customers are much more likely to read the news as they regularly log in to the game panel. Thanks
  13. If you go to General Settings --> Games & Other Voice Servers --> Minecraft --> File Manager --> then add *.yml to the editable extensions you'll be able to edit it.
  14. It'll run on multiple IPs but not all the ports bind correctly so you end up with the net_port binding on all IPs and even though the server will start and appear fine if people try to join a server not on the primary IP they could end up on a different server. Check netstat -a from command prompt and look for anything on with the net_port port. Until the net_ip binding is properly fixed it's safest to only run servers on the primary IP.
  15. They've released the standalone dedicated files but you still need to install DX9 and PhysX http://www.breachgame.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1690&f=3#p1690 Game really likes CPU though
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