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Everything posted by markop10

  1. Same error in console. Should i write something in active.txt
  2. I'm getting this error on cod2 console, what folder and file I must create and what put in that .txt file?
  3. Fixed. I set allow url dowload to 0 and working now
  4. Mail fixed. I have one more problem. Call of duty 4 probmes with downloading promod http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/natural/0821888efea0daa773f724c64266720b00abe538.png
  5. I have some problems with email. After server installation mail was not sent to user. After registration NEW user, mail was not sent. How can i fix that? P.S. Sry if my english isn't very good.
  6. Working now... i put wrong IP:PORT Haha
  7. One more thing... How can i setup ftp for each server?
  8. Working. Uh I'm happy now with new gamepanel. Tnx guys
  9. Console on remote One more Question. How can i set up same game but in 2 versions Cod2 1.3 and Cod2 1.0?
  10. Server is working now but not with console. How can i enable console?
  11. Done. But i have new problem now. Just like this http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=3484
  12. Ok.. where can i buy game and download directly to server?
  13. Can somenone give me Cod2 files for server? I have it on my computer but i cant upload it to server because i have low upload speed.
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