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  1. i have a problem with your config jag copys the files but into a folder called SHOUTCAST and i changed the location but i can not connect to the server
  2. Ah, Well im having no trouble now i have 4 servers up, It was just that file for me
  3. hello binaryg, have u tried running it with a bat file yet,, --------- I Got this working seems they was a missing ddl file I downloaded it dropped it into Root folder of cod5 and now works i got the dll from here http://rapidshare.de/files/39497659/D3DX9_37.rar.html let me no if you get yours fixed with this ----------- here is some information on this error seems to be directx http://callofduty5.tv/
  4. can i get a little help here please i have added this config put in the beta game, i install a server with it, it copys the files over ok but its not starting it says running but when i check the task manager they is no exe started for this Beta version of cod5
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