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  1. Works for me, see the attachments as proof.
  2. It has been set to "Unreal Tournament 2004". The reason why the other config in the other topic does not work is due to the query port being wrong - the query port should be the GameSpy port (7717) as specified correctly in JasonF's config.
  3. The latest L4D update has added a CVAR to control what game types the server can play:
  4. It's very difficult to actually keep it at 4 players, so we just decided to offer 8 player servers for just a bit more than a 4 player one. It seems most GSPs have gone this route.
  5. That's correct, but the OP was asking about if dedicated servers are possible with IV.
  6. It's going to be a lot, lot harder to do so for IV, but we can still hope.
  7. It's a shame really, only poor peer-to-peer and possibly a handful of MS-hosted servers nowhere near anyone. Considering the client requirements, I wouldn't be surprised if had they released a dedicated server for it that the resource usage would exceed FC2.
  8. I prefer this one which runs as a lightweight service so I don't need to worry about starting it after each reboot, or making a custom TCAdmin game config.
  9. How are you measuring tickrate? Don't forget to set the rates on your client otherwise you won't notice it.
  10. I haven't tried but I don't think it's possible. Even so, the game runs without issue so I don't think it's something that needs to be changed.
  11. Did you try +director_no_human_zombies 1 ? That forces the server into only coop mode (4 players) for me.
  12. If you want to limit to co-op mode only, then the following command on the startup line should achieve the desired effect: +director_no_human_zombies 1 This prevents people from becoming zombies (in versus mode) and hence versus mode is not available at all on the server. Useful if you are selling 4 player servers or 8 player servers, as the latter does use more resources.
  13. I believe so yes (can't remember know offhand, but the dem bit is certainly dropped)
  14. Yes, if you edit some sections, such as changing l4d_dem to left4dead. The map name is also different.
  15. Add into the server.cfg or send via RCON.
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