The server is an rfactor one. Since 2006 running this game servers, I have notticed taht the only thing they can crahs them is a wrong track. Customers are able to upload mods and tracks. A wrong mod dont start, but a wrong track crash the game server.
In TCadmin V1, when this happen, the system try to restart them 3 or 5 (dont remember) times. Then, in the loop of restart-crash-restart-crash, the system stop the server and send email to the customer. This email can be edited, and I tell them that was probably a wrong track, to the customer check the track and then start again the server. If it happens again, the system like the first time stop it after the 3 or 5 times loop and send mail again.
Now in V2 its different. The customer install a wrong track, the server start, it crash, and in the control panel we can see "starting" or "error". No email sent (thats not a problem), and the customer send me an email.
Then I came to see what happen. First I disable the game server, I check if its not running , and start it through remote desktop. Find the wrong track who crash the gameserver. Repair it, start it through remote desktop, and when everything is ok I stop it, and enable the server in the panel.
That happenend today, and when I try to start it through the panel it starts. Sure it does. I can see the server online. The people are playing, but in the panel the PID=0 and it can not be stopped or restarted.
I have the root server to reboot at 5:00 , then tomorrow I will check it. I think tomorrow it will be in the control panel again after the reboot. Other thing I can do is uninstall, and install it again. This will solve the issue, thats why I was asking how to restart the tcadmin system (not the game servers).
Thats all .... this game server its very special. It can not be started in the interactive mode. Need administrator rights. But whith patience, you can have 30 or 40 rfactorservers running in a box.