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Everything posted by ju_an
Hello, I have found a few crashes of this service in this month; never before. The monitor and manager services are running, but launcher not running. Can not find any error about this service in the windows event viewer. Any idea? , Any other with crashes? Any script ti run in tcadmin to check if its running and start it if its not? Thanks,
how to have 2 gameservers and only able to start one of them
ju_an replied to ju_an's topic in TCAdmin Version 2
Ok, Thanks ! -
How to restart tcadmin monitor like updates does ?
ju_an replied to ju_an's topic in Windows Support
Hello, After the root server restart, now the game service is "disabled". Its look like yesterday the changes I made to this game server dont work at all. Today I enabled it, start it and now gets his pid number. But yesterday I disble it, solved the problem through remote desktop, enabled it, start it and get the pid=0 Strange, but after the root server restart everything works fine again. Thanks for the email option you?re going to add -
How to restart tcadmin monitor like updates does ?
ju_an replied to ju_an's topic in Windows Support
Hello, The server is an rfactor one. Since 2006 running this game servers, I have notticed taht the only thing they can crahs them is a wrong track. Customers are able to upload mods and tracks. A wrong mod dont start, but a wrong track crash the game server. In TCadmin V1, when this happen, the system try to restart them 3 or 5 (dont remember) times. Then, in the loop of restart-crash-restart-crash, the system stop the server and send email to the customer. This email can be edited, and I tell them that was probably a wrong track, to the customer check the track and then start again the server. If it happens again, the system like the first time stop it after the 3 or 5 times loop and send mail again. Now in V2 its different. The customer install a wrong track, the server start, it crash, and in the control panel we can see "starting" or "error". No email sent (thats not a problem), and the customer send me an email. Then I came to see what happen. First I disable the game server, I check if its not running , and start it through remote desktop. Find the wrong track who crash the gameserver. Repair it, start it through remote desktop, and when everything is ok I stop it, and enable the server in the panel. That happenend today, and when I try to start it through the panel it starts. Sure it does. I can see the server online. The people are playing, but in the panel the PID=0 and it can not be stopped or restarted. I have the root server to reboot at 5:00 , then tomorrow I will check it. I think tomorrow it will be in the control panel again after the reboot. Other thing I can do is uninstall, and install it again. This will solve the issue, thats why I was asking how to restart the tcadmin system (not the game servers). Thats all .... this game server its very special. It can not be started in the interactive mode. Need administrator rights. But whith patience, you can have 30 or 40 rfactorservers running in a box. -
Hello, I would like to know how to restart the monitor, like the updates does when they finish. I have one game server whith pid=0. It can start with the control panel, i can see it, but monitor dont get it and can not stop or restart it. It gets this pid after a crash of the server. Solved the problem, then it dont start correctly. I think restarting the box will solve it, but perhaps restarting the monitor can solve it too. Thanks,
Hello, I have found that if you setup a teamspeak server whith a user as owner, he can create teamspeaks virtual servers, edit them ... but not delete them. The user must use another admin software, or telnet to delete virtual servers. Can this feature be added to teamspeaks owners ? Thanks
Ok Thanks, and perhaps an option to set a maximum restarts when code=0. Some game servers opened to modding, when the client make something wrong, the server can never start. And if it alwayss give code=0 ... this server will be always trying to start. Thanks,
Hello, Today I found the cpu higher than usuall, and checking why I found a game server in status "starting". Check task manager and it was really starting, restarting, restarting, restarting ... in an infinite loop. To stop it (after find it) I had to came into server management and disable it. Also, tcadmin monitor have an unsuall cpu usage while this restart loop. After stopping it, everything was ok. I dont know if its something new, but before today when a gameserver have problems it stops and send "error". Any idea ??
Ok Thanks,
mmm ... I want the private password of the server if it is set with private pasword , not the admin token ... Thanks,
Restarting host and delay between starting services
ju_an replied to ju_an's topic in TCAdmin Version 2
Ok Thanks ! -
Hello, I have just restarted manually my 2008server and see every tcadmin game service starting nearly at the same time. Another host restarts have been done, and the game services starts fine, but I like to see every game starting and getting his ram memory, start the second one and get his ram, ... etc., not all starting at the same time fighting for the ram Is there any place we can set the seconds between services starts? Thanks,
Hello, I can not find which is the password variable to insert into creation email ... Any help ? Thanks,
Hello, I can not see the game monitor to stop service When the Game Server Doesn't Respond x Times in a Row. But I think TCA-2 dont try to restart a server with errors. Is there any way to send email to client when a service can not start ? I?m doing this in TCA-1 so clients can know if their servers are ok or if their last modification hangs the server. Thanks,
I have administrators group in User Rights Assignment policy. Also tried to add there the administrator name created to run gameservers. But still can not run as this admin. Having the tcadmin 2.0 service manager running with the Administrator account, all the gameservers run as Administrator account. This will be my final solution because all the games in this box are the same and they need to run with admin rights, not system. Thanks,
Hello, Looking to the "run as" inside tcadmin control panel, can not make a gameserver to run as an administrator. Also, if this administrator user is a regular user can not run as this user. Have a few old applications that need to be run as administrator, not system account. In TCA-V1 was very easy, through the windows 2008 services console make the game services to start as an administrator. But now in TCA-V2 there is no gaming service in the windows services console. So need to be done through the "run as" inside control panel. But can no do it. The administrator account is created, also can log into the server through remote desktop. But tcadmin dont run this service as this admin, always as "system". If I change the log on of tcadmin service manager and monitor to "Admin", then all the services run as "Admin". Nice for this old services I need to run, but I think this is not the way ... Any ideas ? Thanks,
Thanks LFA, But now I?m in a different environment of tests. This Windows server is now the V2 master server, and it?s running fine. I dont know yet what I?m going to do with the v2 If I try to go back again, and doesnt work, I will create a ticket with root access. Thanks !
Still the same. Tried: Uninstall .NET4 Uninstall .NET3.5.1 Install the .net 3.5 from the url here, http://help.tcadmin.com/System_Requirements but say again must use the role management tool. Using again the role management tool, installed 3.5.1 Everythin work fine, also the server resources widget, but when try to install a game get the same error.
Hello, When I select the remote windows server in the "create a game service" tab I get a popup error about "tcadmin.sdk.remote.remoteexception: end of stream encountered before parsing was completed [...]" and can not see wich games are available to install. Here is the error log, 01/03/2012 21:03:59 mscorlib System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed. at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.__BinaryParser.Run() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader.Deserialize(HeaderHandler handler, __BinaryParser serParser, Boolean fCheck, Boolean isCrossAppDomain, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream, HeaderHandler handler, Boolean fCheck, Boolean isCrossAppDomain, IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream) at TCAdmin.SDK.Remote.WebServices.Extensions.SerializedExceptionExtension.SoapOriginalException.?(XmlNode ?) at TCAdmin.SDK.Remote.WebServices.Extensions.SerializedExceptionExtension.SoapOriginalException..ctor(SoapException exception) at TCAdmin.SDK.Remote.WebServices.Extensions.SerializedExceptionExtension.ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapMessage.RunExtensions(SoapExtension[] extensions, Boolean throwOnException) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at TCAdmin.SDK.Web.References.ServerUtilities.ServerUtilities.ExecuteSqlResultAsString(String sql) at TCAdmin.SDK.Database.DatabaseManager.ExecuteSqlWithWebService(String sql) at TCAdmin.SDK.Database.DatabaseManager.Execute(String sql) at TCAdmin.DatabaseProviders.MySql.MySqlManager.Execute(String sql) at TCAdmin.SDK.Objects.ObjectBase.Find() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Game.get_Paths() at TCAdmin.GameHosting.SDK.Objects.Server.GetAvailableGameAndVoiceServers(Boolean includeDownloadable) at TCAdmin.Monitor.GameHosting.WebServices.ServerUtilities.GetAvailableGameAndVoiceServers(Boolean includeDownloadable) It?s a production windows server in TCA-V1. I have setup a host reboot at 5.00am to see tomorrow if the situation change. Any idea ?? Thanks,
OK, thanks, 443 was closed and 80 opened.
Hello, Im using a firewall in my linux master server. I have allowed this ports: 8880,8881,8821,8890,8891,444 But a strange thing happened updating from 2.0.34 to 2.0.35. 1) Made the update, and when finished get an error on conection to check updates. Need to update manually to solve it. 2) restore the server to the initial state. Make the update again, and again the same thing. 3) restore the server to the initial state. Stop the firewall. Make the update, and no errors .... Am I missing any port ? The firewall is csf-lfd; also tcadmin user inside ignore list. Thanks,
Manually Migration, how-to, and several questions
ju_an replied to ju_an's topic in TCAdmin Version 2
Ok, thanks revhosting With your experience now I can start to study my way to migrate, dates, etc. Thanks, -
Hello, I?m testing the new V2 to try to find a way to manually move. Looking in the forum can not find answer to my questions, so I ask in thisn post. 1) License. If you upgrade and still need to run v1, the old license can remain active until we are out of beta. If you need more time we can make an exception. What this mean?, ... Now I have my master/remote license V1. Then I buy V2 master/remote license. But because of any thing of the betaV2, if I need to run my master/remote V1 I can do it. Yes, I understand this, but my question is: Can I have my master/remote V1 active, and also master/remote V2 active at the same time? I understand this too ... And it will be a great idea, because of 2 things: a) Can have old clientes in V1, and new clientes in V2. But perhaps this will be not fine with the future migration tool ... or this migration tool will think about this? b) Can have old and new clients in V1, and V2 master for testing purposes. That will be fine .... 2) Windows Remote monitor Talking about windows remote monitor ... Can V1 and V2 be installed at the same time in the same box? Im afraid to install V2 and test in my production V1 box without answer to this question. If they can be running together, then my question 1.b) have more significance: we can have V1 license in production, and V2 for testing purposes. 3) Manually migration Im trying to find in V2 something like V1:|Gaming Services > New Service > This option is used to import existing game servers into TCAdmin. This option will not create the game server or copy the game files to the specified directory. But I can not find it. To manually migrate a lot of games in the same box, we need to install them again. I think it will be easy making copy/paste, and make new service like V1 option. The admins who wave migrated, How do you do it? Also, to have same IP:Port in the game server, have you got any problem making new installation? 4) Subusers For me this is an important feature. I can not migrate 50% clients without this. 5) Databases of master server: windows<->linux I have this question. If I install mysql on linux master, and tomorrow want to move master to windows master server, Will it be possible? I think this point its important. Perhaps no migration tool needed, perhaps you?re going to make it in a future. Well ... these are my firsts questions about manual migration. Sure other people have other questions, and also I will have new ones while Im testing V2. Thanks,