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Rads last won the day on March 1 2024

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  1. Game mode Vanilla works just fine, there is no issue here although I don't use this particular config but up on testing it works fine
  2. is the cs2 server using the primary IP.? if not try using the primary IP
  3. Try Here: https://help.tcadmin.com/System_Requirements
  4. Rads

    Dark Green Theme

    Yeah it was missing the # i did reinstall it 2 time's to make sure it was not me and it's like it every time i reinstalled it.. Console Text Color: #ffffff Plus: Graphs/History is not showing any stats....
  5. Rads

    Dark Green Theme

    the only flaw that I come across in this is the web console is all in black you can't see the text maybe just the colour needs adjusting somewhere
  6. not sure why you would want to run Farm SIM 19 through tcadmin more hassle than it's worth, especially when it has its own gui interface
  7. the wipe server function appears to be not working for me on a test server there is nothing to select in the box
  8. Hi, Start the monitor in console mode and paste these commands in the console. sql ALTER TABLE tc_game_service_workshop_files ADD COLUMN collection_id INT(11); sql ALTER TABLE tc_game_service_workshop_files ADD COLUMN collection_details TEXT; sql ALTER TABLE tc_game_service_workshop_files ADD COLUMN is_collection INT(11);
  9. probably a firewall issue maybe I've been up the port 3306 will help Generally restricting MySQL access to an ip address is a good idea. There can be some security concerns but a good firewall should mitigate some of them
  10. my head hurts just looking at this thread makes no sense
  11. Rads


    having more cores necessarily doesn't make performance better it just means lower clock speed as rust only really does run better on 2 cores you're better off getting a high end quad like in 8700K you can peak @ 5GH on to cores easily and you can run 250 slots+ no problem whatsoever i can hold 350 slots on most of mine 8700k boxes should you wish to go that high but bear in mind you need lot of RAM as it will consume most of your RAM if your server is highly populated
  12. http://help.tcadmin.com/Fast_Downloads
  13. 1 for gameswitching is it not in the setting Games & Other Voice Servers game you want to pick then "Feature Permissions"
  14. @chrisbrydges The Url loads for me... Go to system/ setting/ Battalion/ on the topnav bar look for run as then change run as from tcagame to local system hope that help you out
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