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Everything posted by Rads

  1. you cant yet and will be some time be for you can get them so Yeah The server files are not publicly available for anyone but hosting companies.. so for now ytou will need the ahead from Garry and this can and will take time if at all
  2. Whats up with l4d one cant seem to download it is steam server down for this game .? C:\TCAFiles\Games>"C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\HldsUpdateTool.exe" - command update -game "left4dead" -dir "C:\TCAFiles\Games\l4d" -retry Checking bootstrapper version ... Updating Installation Determining which depot(s) to install/update... 3 depot(s) will be installed/updated 0:01 No installation record found at C:\TCAFiles\Games\l4d/l4d 0:01 Checking local files and building download list for depot 501 'Left 4 Dea d binaries' version 52 0:01 Connecting content server session for version 52 Retrying in 30 seconds. . .
  3. Rads


    Does anyone happen to have a Rust config kicking about .?
  4. why not just re download the file from http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011 l4d2 does work so its something you have done some where along the line
  5. You need to create a database connection to the tcadmin database, execute the query on the connections, print the results on the web page. You need to know how to code in php to do this.
  6. any one got this replay working in tc .? can be deleted...
  7. when you say nothing works what do you mean... nothing any one who would help need abit more info bud ;-)
  8. The beta that has been running for a couple weeks is now the official build, if you are running a czero server please update. Condition Zero is now using the new SteamPipe content system, so you will need to use the steamcmd update to download/update it. A suggested command line to run is: steamcmd +logon anonymous +force_install_dir ..\hlds +app_set_config 90 mod czero +app_update 90 +quit just letting you lot know..
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