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Everything posted by LazyBrit

  1. If you're still struggling, PM me as i have the configs for Arma 2, Arma 2 OW, Arma 2 CO and also Arma 3, they all work on auto install with whmcs.
  2. Hay guy's, Im very new to TCAdmin and im really struggling with adding new games, i have been trying to add arma 2 OA and have it running but its stuck on waiting for host when i try and join the game. Please if you could take some time out and help me and i will pay for your time also add me on skype. hf.lazybrit Lazy Brit
  3. I also need help with DayZ, im trying to get a breaking point server up but i cant seem to get one working.
  4. Im also a Authorized Teamspeak Hosting Provider so i can give you a FREE 1024 Slot teamspeak if you would prefer that >?
  5. Hay, im really new to TCAdmin and i need some help or to guide me on how to add games etc... Im happy to pay for your help as i know this is not the easiest to work with. I have my teamspeak hostilefaction.net is the connection ip and my name is LazyBrit, if you are willing to help please come on and PM me. Many Thanks
  6. Hi, i really need some help with Dayz on TCAdmin, i have been trying to get it working and have no success. Dose any one have a guide on how to add it to tcadmin and the configs ?
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