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Everything posted by trancemode

  1. thanks! i will give it a try.
  2. Hopefully they will release one without running STEAM =/ might take a while tho.
  3. its not even out yet here in US for another few hours. why do people bother asking?
  4. game isn't even out yet. No point of asking. Alpha is being released on july 26th so wait till then.
  5. Woah, this game still exist? The website looks dead.
  6. I believe under the supported game for the CSS config I believe you put a 1 slot except default 0 under Additional Slots I might be wrong.
  7. hey jesse, is there a email i can contact you ?

  8. thats just a config for TCadmin. You still need the program on your server to get it to run.
  9. ah, if its like AVP beginning where you have to run STEAM. Tons of trouble with STEAM running and tons of weird random crashes.
  10. ah no problem just letting you know. Its weird.. is there a way to change the TCadmin IP that it shows? like.. i know how the gameport shows on TCadmin but it isn't really the "real IP & port" when you look under Steam Servers. If you understand what I mean, is there a way to do that? So people won't get confused?
  11. thanks going to try it out. also on the config sickpuppy, you should add the steam update you can fill in aliensvspredator so you can use the hldsupdatetool.exe
  12. thanks. Were you able to get the query to work on TCadmin? or the game compatability? would it be avp 2?
  13. Yeah, it wasn't added when update was out since they mention they had to contact VALVE about it, but good to see its up.
  14. could be a bug . do you have the command host in the default .cfg?
  15. no there no way to shrink it until rebellion can release this without using steam but the game is about 15gb so I doubt they will ever shrink it unless taking out the single player files
  16. Any tcadmin staff know about this?
  17. It might have to do with the recent update or some sort I was able to run it background avp and steam but server just crashed or don't respond Now so I took it off tcadmin and ran steam and avp console pop up and it worked fine anyone else got it to work good?
  18. It's crashing because you need to run steam on the background
  19. Yeah, the new update did fix maxplayers + IP command. However, I don't believe the size can be fixed until it doesn't require STEAM.
  20. I been working on it and it seems very odd. Haven't got the IP commands to work =/ and the port its like you have to add it in the config. The game is currently 15GB so no, you can't get any smaller unless they fix this without STEAM hopefully soon.
  21. yeah it works with just clicking on the .exe and a console pops up. I got it working with TCadmin but i can't get the IP & Port to configure right, and the server query im not sure if it works. What compatibility is this game did you guys set it on TCadmin? Also, the server only lets you join aliens team? anyone having a problem with that or random team?
  22. were you able to get the IP + Port to work? I had to add like authport 270XX gameport 270XX lobbyport 270XX updateport 270XX on getting the ports to work in the server.cfg
  23. Anyone came up with a working config yet? I tried the IP but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Keeps using the default IP unless i change it manually
  24. I don't believe it can boost FPS since only the HL + Source engine can do that. I am not sure if the old AvP 2 could, if it can, then most likely this game can. Did you get a config working, or are you only hosting 1 server?
  25. you might be able to run it as a background, but I could be wrong. Can you run the files without STEAM?
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