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Everything posted by CrimsonGT

  1. Can you e-mail me regarding the sale of your company to brett@objectnova.com? I am unable to reply to your thread for some reason.

  2. I think the problem is that it is on a Voice Server homepage rather than a Game Server. Is there anyway to have this work with Voice Server pages? This is what I am getting when I click the link... http://my.xfactorservers.com/Templates/Default/BF2VoipInfo.aspx?serviceid=%serviceid%
  3. Is this still working? I just tried to use it and it gave an error when the page was accessed. *Edit* It looks like CustomPage.aspx?serviceid=%serviceid% isn't getting the %serviceid% replaced. The link when clicked still has %serviceid% in it instead of the actual value.
  4. I have a demo server up and running, but like all others have said, the CPU usage is nuts. The problem is that they are not shutting down the physics when no players are connected. The game is just overall very poorly optimized. The fact that there is no server favorites, no option to change teams, etc. leads me to believe we are going to be waiting a long time before this game starts to even be worth the bargain bin prices.
  5. I will post ours later. I need to do some cleanup on it as I made it when we were renting servers out during the beta. I have just been updating it as needed, but haven't done a full revamp on it yet. It really isn't difficult to make these, think it took like 10 minutes to make this one the first time around.
  6. I set it up at XFactor during beta, and it is still an absolute PITA. You are still required to have the full install of the game to run it, but they have said they will try and get the standalone server files out soon.
  7. I just copied my CSS install files into a new folder called CSPro and then copied over the new files into it. Seems cleaner to me personally but to each their own.
  8. Figured I would make a contribution. The game was released today and has a ton of people playing so I figured this might be of use. CS ProMod.txt
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