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Everything posted by bullfrog3459

  1. bullfrog3459

    My V2 Theme

    Adam, I let Jon out of the office corner once in awhile. He has to product his product!
  2. I am sure this hasn't been thought of, but i could be wrong. Next delima is, why move to Linux if your already successful on Windows. I am sure it has to do with licensing costs, but with Valve and a lot of other Designers and Game Firms, they are removing the linux binaries =(
  3. Just out of curiosity, how many people have or are using my script?
  4. Yea, i can confirm this still works, use it on a custom TCAdmin for a client of mine.
  5. mysql -u root -ppassword < %userfilespath%b3sqlinstall.bat is the correct setup of the command Thanks
  6. Fantastic help? hmmm, we didn't answer the question because if you downloaded the game from the hlds update tool you wouldn't be questioning what would be needed as it has all of the files you need.
  7. The game engine supports only 32, they have been modded to show up as 50 slot servers or have been modded to allow them to actually be 50 slots. Thanks
  8. Could always be worse, i have seen some games take a core alone just to change level.
  9. the only way is to make sure you have the deleted service from the dedicated server that it was installed on and then delete it from the SQL database at worst cost. I am betting its showing up somewhere though and you just havent found it
  10. Awesome! =) Worked for me like a charm!
  11. Working on one....if you are in such a hurry, learn to make one yourself! It seems due to the crap nature of steam like normal they cannot handle the load of a new game coming online. With this most of the dedicated servers cannot get onto the network to broadcast, as such are lauching as lan only servers...at least what i can test with multiple boxes in multiple diverse locations, any suggestions?
  12. I know Liam may be working on one, i myself have looked at it, but havent had the time to put into the config.
  13. @Sickpuppy Yes while i agree i only offer it to certain people or if they ask. I don't really publicize that i do it for the fact that i dont want everyone and their dog to come running to me to host it for them. @Cprlrst Thanks, i will. Glad it works for you! =]
  14. Apache on windows can never be good As far as this B3 script, i am in the works of redoing it already, but its not on my high priority list. I have to crank out my new website here by the end of the month, and if Safari and Chrome don't play nice it might be hard to get it there. I won't let me B3 script go to waste or die out, but as much for updates to it, will have to wait
  15. If your running XAMPP, then unfortuanally i am unable to support you much on it. The commands should be the same, but it has been years since i have used XAMPP, i just run IIS, with php support and MySQL if i really need it. I leave apache to Linux and IIS to windows.
  16. Mine runs on one server. SO it might take some tweaking to make work on every server, but since you used MySQL for TCAdmin or should have, you can use your master server if you run it to host the mysql database for you. All it really takes from there is a username and password to be entered into the scripts i gave and it will automate just about everything else for you. It needs to be a user with full permissions except administration permissions, so like the TCAdmin remote user, Root, or another one you have created. As far as setting up the MySQL server, i can help out some, but really to understand the MySQL server and how to operate it, spend some times running through dev.mysql.com site and read through their stuff. Let me know if you need specifics or more explaination on a certain area and i will be more than willing to try and help. Thanks, Jeremiah Shinkle
  17. Which one you talking to, regarding mine and the almost completely automated one? If so great! Glad it has helped you! =] Sure has helped me out.
  18. I agree with LPG and also just everyone here. Get the files yourself. That way your LEGAL. Most issues with a lot of startup companies especially GSP's ran with kids almost always use illegal files and it sends shivers down my back knowing there isnt a whole lot we can do about it. Now as far as us giving out everything, we had to work ourselves up to what we have and how much we have now, you can do the same.
  19. I wouldn't want B3 to be automated, but with the config i have added up, it could be automated to a point as long as you created seperate configs for the different games, you set a static password to use so that the clients could not set this, and then have WHMCS pull their username to automatically set up the database and username for the connection. Hope it helps! Thanks, Jeremiah Shinkle
  20. I may be a little late on this, but this is how we do it, we have 2 batch files, one to create and then one to delete. One thing to note, we only allow our B3 to be ran from one server so we can restrict the IP Connections as well as user connections and keep closer tab on the security to the box. The install Script mysql -u root -p*root mysql password here without the asterisks* < %userfilespath%b3sqlinstall.bat the uninstall script mysql -u root -p*root mysql password here without the asterisks* < %userfilespath%b3sqlremove.bat The command line for that after the -p for password IS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAVE A SPACE. It will fail to create. This is the b3sqlinstall.bat: CREATE DATABASE %hostname%; GRANT ALL ON %hostname%.* TO %hostname%@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "%rconpassword%"; USE %hostname%; SOURCE C:/B3/b3.sql; SOURCE C:/B3/xlrstats.sql; I have used the hostname to create the username and the database and then rcon password for the password. However, the hostname is one you specifiy, so if you want, for existance the username for the person you are installing this for is bullfrog3459, that would be the hostname. As far as the rcon password, that is up to you to choose from. They will not have access to the mysql database to make changes anyways. I want to illeterate on the GRANT ALL line i have. the part that goes TO %hostname%@'%' this is saying TO <Username>@<all ip addresses>. We have our MySQL Database setup to only allow certain IP's to connect with other security features. Anyone that isnt on the mysql database ACL, the Firewall ACL, and several other ACLs/Protections they will fail to connect. This is the b3sqlremove.bat: DROP DATABASE %hostname%; DROP USER %hostname%; This on the box then deletes the user and database created. As far as the b3.xml file for the process, we have 4 separate packages in tcadmin that has the 4 games we support already setup EXCEPT for the only thing and that is the current rcon password to the server. I have attached one of my example b3.xml files that is set to be a template. I also have attached my base b3 config file to let all of you use! I want to explain also that the install and uninstall batch files are readable if they are downloaded from your FTP server; however, restrict the upload of both of those specific files and you should be good to go, just dont use a company use password Sorry if it is confusing, but it works, and so far no complaints yet! Thanks, Jeremiah Shinkle b3.xml.txt Big Brother Bot.txt
  21. Good Evening, As some people, browsing through the forums, and have seen that people might be interested in automated B3 Config Files. I have setup my TCAdmin to auto-install the mysql database, the sql user, import the data files, and the xlrstats file, and configure the b3.xml except for the current rcon password of the server. If interested feel free to contact me at jshinkle@exaltedservers.com for more details about it. Thanks! Jeremiah "bullfrog"
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