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Everything posted by DarkXeRoX

  1. the servers are basicly running a standard win 2003 64bit standard setup game itself is just a basic install. Just seems odd that its addin more n more ram it needs instead of removin stuff it doesnt use anymore out of the ram n use that space -.- unless im doing something wrong eh
  2. been testing an arma II server on one of my xeon x3220 boxes it seems to take about 30% ish cpu with the 1.02 patch n about 300 ish mb ram however over time it seems to increase ram usage strange thing is tho had a quick look at the end of the day when te server was emty and it was using about 700mb ram but nobody was playing on it. Looks to me that the server part of the game isnt quite finished yet. Also seems to completely nuke all the cores on the box n lag out any other servers running on it also like u need to dedicate the box just for 1 arma II server.
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