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  1. Rippie are you using linux or windows?
  2. Nevermind, figured it out, needed to put in a game_datacentre as standard.
  3. Hi guys and gals, I have installed WHMCS and got it working with TCADMIN. The issue I have is that when creating the server in WHMCS i get the following error: Module Command Error System.ArgumentNullException: A value for game_datacenter is required. Parameter name: game_datacenter at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.xc9f5c0c708acbff6 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Any advice?
  4. I am currently working on this as well. Don't forget you will need to manually setup the databases for the server. -Chalkie
  5. Thanks Raizio, as im learning more about tcadmin and how the games work im able to get more working. I am currently getting mw3 to work , will update when that is done.
  6. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11552 check that thread.
  7. I have included the config file. You will need to upload the entire contents of a windows installation including patch 1.7, then you will need to have the linux server files for this to work. Its the same process as the COD4 linux installation. You can find them online or you can click here and download it straight from my server, or use wget http://www.chalkie.me.uk/tcadmin%20files/cod4-linux-server-06282008.tar.bz2 on linux into your CODWAW folder. Just extract the file into the CODWAW folder and then you are good to go. Adam COD-WaW - Linux.xml
  8. Fixed, seems i had downloaded a wrong linux version Thanks for the link ECF!!! all working perfectly now
  9. Yeah I have got that far Now im googling how to get it to go from version 1.0 to 1.7 :/ Adam
  10. Raizio, I have installed tcadmin 2.0 on my linux server, I have got games like cs:go working but would like to also get cod4 and cod w@w working as well. I am not sure how to do this so some guidance would be amazing? If someone wants to help me get everything done and all running I wouldn't mind paying I just would like it all done and ready for the 28th which is when my hosting company goes live, the only reason I went with linux over windows was because my server company can only offer 2012 not 2008. Adam
  11. Hi there, I am new to the world of linux and TCadmin 2.0 I have uploaded the contents of my cod4 directory, is there anything else I need to do with my server or will that be enough? Many thanks
  12. the MySQL issue is absolutely fine, the server acts as a b3 slave while the sql and webhosting is on a different server, located within the same DC. I just want to make sure tcadmin 2.0 will work with b3 bot. Many thanks
  13. Hi There, I was wondering if there was support in tcadmin 2.0 for b3 bot (http://www.bigbrotherbot.net)? I am planning to start on my own small hosting company for servers and b3 bot and am thinking that tcadmin will be my best option but its important for me to be able to support b3 bot. Many thanks
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