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Everything posted by volborg

  1. Can you get it and drive again? I can not get it done and work again
  2. Hi there I get these errors when I try and start it up
  3. Hi there I'm getting this error here Please install git with "Use Git from the Windows Comman Prompt" checked and restart the monitor. now you just have to read it says
  4. Hi there Yes, they have uploaded the dll files There are not so much in the log files now, so do not know if they are the ones you need. content_log(1).txt
  5. Hi there I'm getting this error here Loaded 0 apps from install folder "C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\30\DNL\Binaries\Win64\steamapps\appmanifest_*.acf".
  6. Hi there


    Can you make a config for Minecraft Linux and days of war for windows ???


    Regards Morten


  7. is solved database file was corrupt thanks for helping Luis Alvarenga TCAdmin
  8. Hi there I am at and try and convert sqlite database two mysql but get this one error Some whatever it may be phpmyadmin run on a windows 2008 r2 server
  9. Hi there


    How much you want to make a config for days of war


    Regards Morten


  10. Hi there are config also for linux or you can use it for Linux
  11. Hey, no one will throw up as the latest in user I would be very happy:)
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