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  1. Awesome, once again the TCAdmin team continues to provide great service, wonderful additions, and new updates to this great software. Thank you for all you guys do.
  2. Are your TCAdmin licenses still for sale? Please email me at Marcus@FragReady.com

  3. Yeah, should work after you do what vJosh has mentioned. Good luck & keep us posted.
  4. Currently getting this on our TCAdmin, any thoughts? Conversion from type 'IPAddress' to type 'String' is not valid.
  5. I have not experienced this before, hopefully someone out there will have a good insight on this. Good luck with the issue!
  6. Make sure to move files to correct places and it will work if you did this all correctly....
  7. Just need to change the app directory,
  8. Studeggle - Thank you SO much !
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