Killing Floor also moved yesterday to the SteamCMD tool.
This will give us more workload to get the updated files available to our clients.
A new update is out and 2 minutes later we get the first support ticket, asking when the update will be available
We are doing the same for CS:GO, but if we have to do this for all Steam games in the future, this will give us some extra work load.
maybe increasing the slot prices
Today an update of Red Orchestra 2 will be released working with the new StemaCMD.
This weekend it's the free RO2 weekend on Steam.
So perhaps adding this in Tcadmin would be great.
Hmm you are correct. Hadn't noticed.
The files of HldsUpdateTools are 14MB and the files we received from Rebellion before the release are 294MB.
I think I will stick with the 294MB
The will be availble on steam soon. I think when the game is also released in Europe.
We got the files by contacting Rebellion a couple of weeks ago.
There is a support email on teh steam forum:
For COD4 we had also to search which cvars where in use.
Not much info is offically provided yet.
Only 3 questions are answered, so let's see what happens next week on release.
Q1. Are server files stand alone?
A. Yes
Q2.Does steam have to be running in order for dedicated server to run?
A. No
Q3.Can multiple servers run from 1 dedi box? or is it just one instance?
A. Yes. multiple per