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Everything posted by CobbyJUK

  1. i ment as in user side of the control, i surpose if the databases are built the same way for the users and so on, i can just upload the users database and add the server. correct?
  2. what about moving ts3 from v1 windows to v2 linux? will that be possible?
  3. ok, if there is a switch between OS would be awsome, or its going to be a nightmare for me, i dont know about other people.
  4. would it not be possible to move from a windows to linux then? as all it does is rar up then unrar? then i can just add the linux binaries in as a mod or a update? then just select the game to linux version? because otherwise creating new servers then transfering it all and new command lines and so on is a hell of lot of work, talking days and days for me. i wont start all this untill it all comes out of beta anyway.
  5. im a compleate idiot lol sorry. all sorted, i did have to messabout with the permisions of etded.x86 but all working now. ./etded +set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure 1 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip ***.***.***.*** +set net_port 27960 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg if anyone wants the files just let me know.
  6. yeah license costs mainly, and but i will still keep a few windows mechines going, will just be a good idea, iv always preferd linux to run game servers. always seems smoother.
  7. [root@localhost ~]# cd ET [root@localhost ET]# cd ET [root@localhost ET]# etded +set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure 1 +set dedicated 2 +set n et_ip 109.70.**.*** +set net_port 27960 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg -bash: etded: command not found [root@localhost ET]# thats what i get, i have hidden the end of the IP on purpose.
  8. i know this has been briefly comented on in other posts, i plan to move most of my windows boxers to linux and v2 obviously. but is it possible for the game transfer to transfer a game from a windows mechine to a linux obviously it would need the binaries adding. this is my situation at the moment, im ruinning alot of cod4 servers on windows and want to move them to linux then just add the binaries in and use a linux template. when i move a game, i would need to move them over to anouther linux box then reinstall the old windows box then send it back accross, unless there is an easier way? would that be possible or havent u thought about this yet? Thanks Chris
  9. Hey, im trying to get Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Server runing on linux, i have all the files and so on, but i cant get the command line to work, just says command not found. this is the command line im using etded +set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure 1 +set dedicated 2 +net_ip MYIP +net_port 27960 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec server.cfg obvoiusly i change MYIP with the IP any help would be great. Thanks Chris
  10. if any one has the enemy territory 2.06b linux in rar format i would be very greatful, i tried downloading and installing but couldent seem to get the server to run.
  11. ok, im raring some games up now, i had to install rar on there though, im using centos at the moment just for downloading games.
  12. ok, so no need to tar them? just rar files?
  13. what compresion format do i add the linux game servers to? obviously with the v1 windows it was all rar files.
  14. im going to wait personly till it comes out of beta and the migration form v1 to v2 comes out, make things much easier
  15. what about games like americas army and Medal Of Honors.
  16. Iv been finding it hard to find good linux game servers. if anyone can host a few linux games up, i will host them on a public for the other new tcadmin linux users to grab as well games like cod4, countstrike, quake 3,4 and so on. would be great to make a linux games libery for us to use and share files all legit of course. if you can message me on here with a download or a ftp or something, and i will get them sorted.
  17. will be great, be awsome if you can move from windows to linux.
  18. ahh thanks ECF would be great when you do make a migration tool, will make things so much easier.
  19. Hey Guys, just seing if there is a way to transfer game servers from V1 to V2 yet or if anyone is working on a work around for it. Teamspeak 3 would be great as i have a lot teamspeak 3 servers and would be great to move all the clients to V2 obviously the ts3 database is easy its just the user database on the V2 side. as i said would be great if someone can work on on a transfer form V1 to V2.
  20. whats the hlupdate command anyone know?
  21. so nothing on the dedicated server side? so much bs about
  22. any news yet or a date? i heard 1st of april but obv thats been and gone now
  23. starting to really anoy me all this with dedicated servers, surely if they release it, its more advertising for the games and so on?
  24. has anyone got the dedicated server files? or know a place i can download them? Thanks Cobby
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