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  1. I've had this issue before on 2 machines using google chrome, however Shift+F5 resolves it.
  2. This feature is already in place.
  3. The custom link facility from V1 is really needed in V2.
  4. Is there gonna be any future way to do it without the empty zip? and are there plans to add an update button?
  5. Not sure if I have missed anything but for a mod to appear on customers mod manager it must have something in the field for either windows or linux install. As we have several mods which just run an install script and the way we have got around that at the moment is useless file extractions. Is there a way for a mod to just run the install script and appear on the customers mod manager list without running these pointless extractions so they appear ok?
  6. He could read my tcadmin files and he could place a php script into the fast download directory.
  7. With garrysmod, modules can be made to browse folder and create files even with the servers run under guest accounts. This was tested on v1 hopefully I'll have my friend test v2 for me.
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