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Everything posted by kuzmi4

  1. This happens when trying to get file list twice, in ftp client (ex. filezilla) Monitor starting normal, without any error. (port 8821 only for tc2ftp)
  2. Check TCmonitor 2 service, it must be running.
  3. TCAdmin Version: Operating System: (Win Server 2008 R2 x64) Machine Specs: x2 e5620, 12 GB... Database Type: Mysql FTP crash (stop working) with monitor error "usually allowed to use only one socket address" FTP settings: - passive mode - start port: 4000 - end port: 5100
  4. i have 3 packs: de_ cs_ awp_ And filter buged too.
  5. Need string in game template "Additional Slots" like TCv1
  6. TCAdmin Version: Operating System: (Win Server 2008 R2 x64) Machine Specs: x2 e5620, 12 GB... Database Type: Mysql When select some map pack, and then other pack's, filter don't cleaned, and i can see maps from 1st pack and 2nd in one list. In game settings, used cs_ and de_ prefics
  7. Are there any recommendations for configuring IIS, becasue the any mod's installation along 3 minutes and more. (Ex/ CS 1.6 from standard settings )
  8. None. Just paste your license (v1) code, when TC ask.
  9. TCAdmin Version: Operating System: (Win Server 2008 R2 x64) Machine Specs: x2 e5620, 12 GB... Database Type: Mysql When try send email (test or welcome) always appears popup windows with standart error text "form of the specified string is not suitable for e-mail address"
  10. Need opportunity to change encoding in text editor.
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