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Everything posted by teabag

  1. will these work for linux? or will i have to use wine or something i dont know lol
  2. and im running centos 5.7
  3. yes i can see the log file console.log but for some reason it will show me the log for some servers but not for all it will say "css/cstrike/console.log does not exist" even though clearly it does
  4. having trouble i have the commandline option -condebug set on all commandlines but for some reason it wont ceate a console.log file needed any ideas?
  5. hmmmm have u changed the file system variable in the module settings ... system >> general settings >> css-linux >> files and directories so it no longer uses ornagebox folder but indeed css/ because i have done some digging and the new css folder is permenant change so u might aswell use css folder as home directory
  6. teabag

    servers wont stop

    i dont know how but when i click stop on a particular server it stops but then it pops back online all by itself...even tho tcadmin shows it is stopped so i have to maually kill the process even then its just like typing quit to restart it it just wont shut down
  7. yeah but in tcadmin on admin front page it show ram usuage at 99 percent is that normal?
  8. hey guys i dont have libpcap installed but the memory usage counter on tcadmin is still working and it keeps shooting my ram usuage to 99 percent and i double checked on the terminal that it was true is this normal?
  9. hang on a sec this is the linux section what u propose is for windows
  10. Aaaahhhh I did not know that thanks for the info
  11. it seems (from updating my counter strike source update) that these updates are not going into the correct folder, for counter strike source, TF2 and any other orangebox update they need to go into the orangebox folder of the server not css
  12. Checking/Installing 'Counter-Strike Source Shared Content' version 117 CAsyncIOManager: 0 threads terminating. 0 reads, 0 writes, 0 deferrals. CAsyncIOManager: 102 single object sleeps, 0 multi object sleeps CAsyncIOManager: 0 single object alertable sleeps, 0 multi object alertable sleeps Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4
  13. im trying to update my css server, it seemed to download alot of files but when i started it back up again it was still on the previous version so as a test i delete the bin folder from cstrike and normallt it would redownload it but it hasnt
  14. im trying to edit a game config but when i try to save it keeps saying SQLite error no such column: supports_ipv6 any idea whats up
  15. huh i dont know what i did but i no longer get any errors lol i guess lots of google and NOT restarting the monitor helps lol sorry
  16. how did u sort this out im stuck lol
  17. hey guys for the moment i have 3 problems i am using centos 5 have managed to install tcadmin and configure it to work so i can login 3 problems 1. im getting the "you must enable java" on the main website even though i have it enabled -- this is what i see http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu52/teabagger_2009/errorjava.jpg 2. i know it says i need to enable support for gif files but i dont know how to enable it png and jpg are enabled but not gif http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu52/teabagger_2009/errorgif.jpg 3. everytime i try to create something or edit something i get HTTP 500. Error processing request for this file --> gdiplus.dll with this System.DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdiplusStartup (ulong&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupInput&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupOutput&) at System.Drawing.GDIPlus..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 any help with this would be greatly appreciated
  18. how do u create a batch update? i have seen the folder for updates and patches but how do u actually do it...if a step by step procedure could be explained i would be greatful
  19. ya know scrub this post lol i used the game script i used on tc version and it works fine lol sorry
  20. also just noticed that i am assigning a different port than the defualt but it still connects to default port even though it shouldnt
  21. ok i have managed to successfully install and run a murmur server for mumble BUT for some reason it will not stop or restart on request...it says restarted or stopped in the control panel but when i look at remote desktop the service is still running and in most cases opens up a new service
  22. i mean when i start it in tcadmin the player count shows how many slots like 0/24 then 2 seconds later goes to 0/0 same with cpu usage and memory its like its stalling
  23. game is CSS...i have done those steps u asked me to do by manually starting the server and it works fine with a manual start but when i try again to start it with tcadmin it just doesnt start then i start getting email spammed with the query failure limit reached, is there anyway to stop it from emailing you or set it to no limit of queries if u know what i mean
  24. or should i say it says it has started and is online but when i look at the console its not completing the startup although seems to be working fine no problems with the other ips i can use
  25. hey guys im am reinstalling my game servers to all the ips assigned to my dedicated box but for some reason it will install the server and then it just wont start...i have tried to reinstall server but still no joy...any ideas guys...tcadmin says its online but it wont start
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