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  1. Freaks-network has been around a very long time. And yes I think they sold out to someone.
  2. I would recommend you go threw the mailing list if you are an actual EA authorized provider now cause no one is going to post a tcadmin config for BC2 on here.
  3. They are just claiming its their own but its not. Hints the clan name
  4. Hi Matt, You wont be able to do your own server using files because EA restricts the files from being handed out to anyone and only certain providers have the game files. If you want to contact me we could get you setup with your own Ranked BC2 server at a Dollar a Slot. You are welcome to email me ryan [@] primarytarget.com
  5. It has been quite a waste in my opinion.
  6. Hey Sick, It can be done remotely. But you have to have seperate mysql instance for each customer not one common DB
  7. Feltz


    Im pretty sure everyone wonders the same thing when reading this post.
  8. Feltz

    Aa 2.8.5

    no ? marks in the command line for AA2. Just spaces im only helping you cause its christmas, so hope it helps example: global Tunnel.aao log=server.log ini=server.ini multihome=%serverip% in your case server.ini would = armyops.ini
  9. Kevin, It sounds like it might make it easier that way but I can tell ya that in order for b3 to communicate from your server to their MySQL you might have to mess around with IP permissions in order for it to work right. Cause the website/MySQL part was restricting incoming from the IP of the server where the game server is, But we managed to get it working a few different times.
  10. Hey Kevin when I did it I had a seperate option for starting the python part. So the customer would have cod in tcadmin and Python in their tcadmin so they coudl start and stop the python seperately. I didnt integrate them together I have the configs you can contact me and ill show you what I had. I launched python with a bat file just fyi. The confusing part is all the mysql mumbo jumbo you have to deal with when doing B3 its terribly hard to justify at anything less than 2 dollars a slot for the amount of workload to offer B3 ryanfeltz@hotmail.com or add me to msn at ryan@primarytarget.com
  11. Hey Kevin, I hate to say it but the B3 bot and setting it up and automating it is quite a handfull and then once you get it done the increase in business was not worth the time invested in setting it up. More power to ya if you want to keep trying it but its quite alot of work to have B3 bot on your servers. Look in services to see if the b3 service is running just not showing on the desktop.
  12. Might be easier to just send him money to save yourself time, cause by setting up his entire "company" for him, and him not having the slightest clue how to do anything after your done helping you have basically just handed him money and risk your potential customers will have to deal with a GSP who really is not prepared and really shouldnt be starting a business in an industry that clearly is not understood by the person starting it. Brett consider hiring someone who has experience instead of trying to pay people to setup and configure your entire company. Good Luck!
  13. Feltz

    Cash Advance

    LOL, I am so not surprised at this at all
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