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Everything posted by Mrkrabz

  1. Bit of a bump, however the console reads the output from the log.log.txt file which is inside server/myserver/log.log.txt If someone changes their server identity (which many do) the file no longer exists at server/myserver/log.log.txt instead it will be server/identity/log.log.txt How can we pair them up so the console works if they can name it anything?
  2. I've never noticed an issue mixing voice servers in with game servers as they don't tend to use much resources at all. I do believe that Valve Source Engine games should have their own servers however, as they are very reliant on stable tickrates. We tried out having Minecraft on the same nodes but reversed that and got it on their own node for performance reasons.
  3. This is what I have currently: http://puu.sh/1EvmR/45065fc5b4e9de97f2b0b68f1d02e418 The problem is, my C drive is an SSD and I only want minecraft users to be put onto the C drive, I want all other games on my D drive. How do I change this? Is it the game config or something?
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