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  1. http://imagebin.org/162305 I'm guessing the answer is obvious but I can't see anything after poking around for an hour.
  2. I get nothing in the console when i try to run the task. I tried this before I posted here too, I should have mentioned that. I just tried again.
  3. Username and pass would be the database username and password. I think (not sure been a while) setup asks you to choose this info. Anyway, use this tool and create a user to access said db, or create a db. http://wb.mysql.com/
  4. Yeah, here's an image of the debug console:
  5. Enabled debug mode but that doesn't show anything other than some page information on the footer. The debug console isn't showing anything either. Take note that I am able to create TS servers from tcadmin manually.
  6. Yes I am using the tcadmin2_advanced module. I didn't think to look on the scheduled tasks area; I thought that was for something else. I'm getting this error: "Error - cannot cast from source type to destination type". The task is "Task: Determine voice server location" My datacenter ID is 1, and it is what is chosen in whmcs.
  7. Any advice for TS3 auto setups? I can create a tcadmin user from whmcs but the TS3 servers will not set up and I have no errors messages.
  8. Oh, sorry. I skimmed over that. This is what happens when I assume...
  9. Success! Thanks for the quick reply. Was I supposed to run the script to begin with or is that a measure to be taken in a situation like this?
  10. After I enter the db info and continue to the next page I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" message, as shown in the image below. If I continue with the configuration the panel breaks or something because the panel becomes unreachable, as if it's offline. I have the port 8880 open and the monitor and service manager are both still running. And the box's default IP is chosen on configuration, not the I uninstalled everything a few times and tried reinstalling, but with the same result.
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