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Everything posted by GameConnectors

  1. Crysis is not going to be ranked (allegedly)... although EA are the only ones hosting beta servers... I know someone who works at Crytek and got the info from them..
  2. It will kill the game, dead! Why is it necessary for EA to use this rubbish system to screw over people who just want to get a foot in the door? I hear they are doing the same thing with Crysis too?
  3. and yes, the updated arma_server.exe is in the 1.05 patch
  4. its ok, i got it installed in the end..pain tho! Now got 2 servers running perfectly!
  5. I managed to get the game files sorted, except for some reason i can't get the 1.05 patch to install (over the 1.05 game) so it puts down the 1.05 version of Arma_Server.exe...Can anyone post a copy of just this one file? Thanks.
  6. OK, I found this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:Dedicated_Server#Startup_Options Its the official wiki for the game and has basically all the info needed to run the server....I'm going to put together a config for the demo dedi as obviously the game isn't out yet... Post back soon...
  7. Anyone have anything on this yet? Would be good to get a config, and or set of dedicated server files (if available). Cheers, Paul
  8. Cheers ECF, have been looking for them everywhere
  9. for your information...you may try adding the following to the command line: MP-ABomb?ini=Swat4DedicatedServer.ini -multihome=%serverip%
  10. Oops sorry dude, you just missed my edit -- look up ^^ Oh, if you need a hand just MSN me
  11. lol...join the club. I have spent all day getting bf2 working using bf2cc with TCAdmin, and finally I have got it down. I had to fiddle a bit with the config on here to do it though. Basically you need to install the latest Windows Dedicated server (1.22) version of BF2, then BF2CC on top, and make sure you extract the modmanager files into the root of your game directory too. Once yuo've imported the config file into TCAdmin, go into the default config files section and make a note of the files listed. Then go into your game files folder, locate and delete ALL the files you jotted down from the default config files. Hopefully it should just work Battlefield 2.txt
  12. I always find http://www.gamershell.com is fantastic for dedicated server files (and you don't have to register)
  13. Your HL2MP config has a missing < right at the very begining. Just in case anyone has a problem importing it
  14. Maybe try making your own? Its definately the best way to get it right..
  15. Dude, you only have to look http://www.tcadmin.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=636& start=0&rid=37
  16. I think this sums it up: http://www.tcadmin.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=591& start=0&rid=37
  17. Its on the first page, about half way down here: http://www.tcadmin.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=1006&amp ;prevloaded=1&rid=37&start=0
  18. Fair enough. Just wanted to check before I start trying to use it.
  19. Is it still supposed to have that space in it 'game=ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?'
  20. I think there were some problems with fear because of the dodgy way you have to set up multiple servers in 1 file?? Sure someone else will know tho.
  21. Cheers ECF This is now all setup and working. I have set the panel to run the BBO RemoteServer.exe, and then have to start the actual game server using the RemoteManager.exe Only thing I don't like is having to then log onto the physical server via RDP and set up a user in BBO and add maps etc... Would be good if the BBO had an advanced command line that you could use, but it only allows the IP and Port to be used. Nevermind though at least it works, and adding the desert combat mod is simply a case of copying the files over the top so that the additional maps are selectable from the list.
  22. I see the BBO utility would effectively replace TCAdmin? I would rather have it all running through TC Admin. So to run Desert Combat, its just some new maps, and changes to the config file? I can use the Config in the forums here for 1942 and then add the DC mod? Does anyone have this running at the moment?
  23. Hi All, I have no real idea about BF1942, so wondered if someone could a. post a) config with the desert combat mod enabled, and b) tell me if I just need to install BF1942 server then add Desert Combat as a mod? Sorry, new to BF game!
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