The features that I am waiting for the most (in order) are:
1. Custom icons and scripting
2. Sub Users (not on the poll )
3. Bandwidth graphs/limits
4. Disk space monitoring/limits
5. Support tickets
Some points about the features
Would love support for custom icons and scripting so we can use tcadmin 2.0 to its full potential. Looking to release anything I code for tcadmin as open source on this forum.
Sub users – in V1 over 80% of our clients have got a sub user. Our clients could not live without sub users, based on feedback from our clients.
Bandwidth graphs/limits, Disk space monitoring/limits good idea. Would be nice if we could look at the average of disk space, bandwidth for a client or game type, etc.
Support tickets – would be nice if this can link into whmcs support system in some way. I.e. Not sure how this would work yet. But we will always use whmcs for our support, due to the other non-tcadmin products that we provide.
What do people think about the above, do you agree or not and why?
What are people looking for in the Support tickets?