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  1. Why do you want to know this information? I am guessing you will not release how the password is encrypted for security, can you please confirm this? Thanks, Roy
  2. Hi, It would be good if we could set the primary email as a required field. (both subs and normal accounts) Regards, Roy
  3. Hi Shapka, This can be done. But why have redundant internet links, if you have signal point of failure(s) within your own network. While this diagram does not give me much information on what you want. (I am guessing based off the image). I would get a network solutions architect in to design something to your needs, so you can tell if it is cost effective. Regards, Roy
  4. I am testing with CSS atm. The running location for a IronPython script is inside of the TCAdmin2 and not the server running location like with a batch file. Ie. C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor (ironPython) C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\1\css (batch). What is the reason for this? Just to confirm, does the script run on the same server as the game server? Ie. if the game server was on a slave server, the script would run on the same server. Also for some reason I have to recreate the server for it to pick up new or exit custom scripts. Ie if I update a custom script and have it on event before start. Then reboot a server that exist already it will still run the old version of the script. If I create a new server and start or reboot it will run the new version of the script. Why is this and can it be changed? What is the correct way of getting variables and objects from tcadmin in ironPython? I am failing to get Service Manager Scripting Variables. ( I know it must be something basic I am missing). If anyone would like to share tcadmin ironPython scripts that they have done, I would love to see them. Regards, Roy
  5. If I go to Mods -> Mod Name -> Scripts in the event drop down I can select before started. While if I click new and look at the event drop down. It is not there. I would like to create some mod custom scripts that need to check an external server and update some files/config on the mod on before started. Regards, Roy
  6. The main reason that we would be putting a support inside of tcadmin, would be so that any user that has access to the game servers, can have support. Not only the main billing user. While this would be support for their game server and no billing issues.
  7. I was thinking that as every Tcadmin user would not have a WHMCS user, maybe have a custom field (admin only) for their tcadmin username. So when a user goes to the support page they will have a form like Department: [support] Subject: [] Priority: [Medium] [Message] Attachments: [FILE] [Open Ticket] And TCAdmin would automatically pass in the email address, client name and tcadmin username (to custom field) What do you think?
  8. The features that I am waiting for the most (in order) are: 1. Custom icons and scripting 2. Sub Users (not on the poll ) 3. Bandwidth graphs/limits 4. Disk space monitoring/limits 5. Support tickets Some points about the features Would love support for custom icons and scripting so we can use tcadmin 2.0 to its full potential. Looking to release anything I code for tcadmin as open source on this forum. Sub users – in V1 over 80% of our clients have got a sub user. Our clients could not live without sub users, based on feedback from our clients. Bandwidth graphs/limits, Disk space monitoring/limits good idea. Would be nice if we could look at the average of disk space, bandwidth for a client or game type, etc. Support tickets – would be nice if this can link into whmcs support system in some way. I.e. Not sure how this would work yet. But we will always use whmcs for our support, due to the other non-tcadmin products that we provide. What do people think about the above, do you agree or not and why? What are people looking for in the Support tickets? Regards, Roy
  9. Yes, but I would never recommend it. Write a script that creates symbolic links to a master copy of the main files. Clients like having different versions of even main game files. So I would never do this, why do you want to do this?
  10. BTW how long do you think until we can code our own pages? And how long do you think until sub users (I am guessing you are still going to have them)? So I plan out some things Thanks
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