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  1. Even better, when support ticket function can be fully integrated with WHMCS.
  2. Please send me further info (and a NDA if required) - daniel@fragnet.net

  3. @ ECF - I have removed the entire post... I do know where to get all the game files, where dedicated server files are available and which games you need to upload your game client installation. The game files were actually not the files i had in mind, it was mods, maps and patches. As I stated in my first post, I stuck my neck out and I do regret it now.... @ LPG - TCAdmin backend is quite generic i m o. I saw my chance on saving me quite a lot of time, not having to "invent the wheel all over". It might have been a bit stupid - but I have put that in the past now.... I am not saying you attacked me in any way, I only said that people can refrain from posting degrading comments - not having you in mind. As mentioned earlier, I would never use any warez or offer to host any either. Most of the games in the list got dedicated servers files and all mods, maps and patches can b freely distributed. Sickpuppy didn't have any reason for sharing his TCAdmin configs on which he has spent quite a lot of time. I offered to pay for the service, so don't understand all the rabble in the thread. I tried to explain early on that I was not interested in any game files that would be illegally distributed, as that was not clear in my original post. I have removed the original post, as requested by ECF and I have no interest to discuss this any further. I would rather spend my time on preparing the TCAdmin backend. Peace out!
  4. Nothing wrong with them, but they would not most likely fully reflect the mods, maps, patches etc of a newly updated ftp with game server addons.
  5. You can download UT dedicated server files as well. Half of the list is downloadable from Steam, EA ones from their FTP and so on.. The game files are actually not of importance here - it's the mods, maps and patches along with config files. I have however decided I will download everything myself and set it up - as I have a feeling I will be bad-mouthed by people in here if I don't. Not that I care a bit, but I don't want to give them the pleasure!
  6. Forget I did even ask.... I thank Sickpuppy who did a contribution to the community by sharing his game configs. Even if you have to redo a lot, you still get a foundation to work on... The rest of you, I can be without... I have worked as a Store Manager for GAME in the past - I value any effort supporting the gaming community in general and would NEVER consider doing anything piracy wise. It's always like this on this forum - you find most posts being hi-jacked by "better-knowing" people. You see new GSPs trying to advertise and all of the sudden their business knowledge gets questioned by other GSPs. I have already posted I will NOT break any piracy rules and that I do possess the original games myself. If you aren't interested in selling this as a service or even help out, then why even bother to post? Spend your time improving your business instead of wasting it bashing me asking for a helping hand (paying for it)!
  7. I do know where to get most of them, as I've ran GSPs in the past - even if I am not up to date with the newer mods. Regardless if you know where to get them or not, it's a time consuming effort and I was looking for an easy way around that part. As stated above, I have already downloaded everything possible with hldsupdatetool as well as Battlefield/UT series. I am more interested in the mods and map packs, with the appropriate config files. Everyone can keep any patronizing comments to themselves. Either provide useful information in the thread or refrain from posting...
  8. Thanks Derek, but I am well aware of those config files. They are a bit old though and I need config files related to the actual download as well. I am not sure if some of those games are illegal to share (should only be the actual cd-key?!), but if that's the case - we can exclude any of those. I have not gotten my hopes up about this, as it's basicly like asking for a smoke in jail...
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