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  1. Found the problem. Also in "PalWorldSettings.ini" "PublicPort" must be configured correctly. I suggest not using default port for a client because in my case clients followed the server instructions to copy defaultPalWorldSettings.ini that comes with the default port 8211 and the client with that port also started to have problems with query.
  2. Yes, but I can't tell the difference btween the servers that responds to query vs the servers that still don't after TCA update. Same Commandline with the same query port as game port.
  3. New Query feature is only working on 20% of my servers.
  4. Security for your customers. ftp passwords can be stolen capturing packets.
  5. No, i was told some months ago that it's not planned. But it would be great if they add this.
  6. Firewall port is open? Use the interactive service option to see the game server console.
  7. That souds more like a problem with pk3 files.
  8. We are all crying for a response from ea and this guys with their kind of a joke website are in the ranked official GSP. God gives bread to those that have no teeth! http://freaks-network.com
  9. Solved, mysql was using por 13306, i tried localhost:13306 but it didn't work. I had to change it back to default. Thanks.
  10. Im trying to connect TCA2 to MySQL. I get the following error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061): No such host is known If i run netstat i get the port 3306 open in ipv6 "[::]" and but it's not open in ipv4 ""
  11. Yes, i like this!
  12. The possibility to define a time slot for each service. For example 10pm to 10am. Outside these hours the service is disabled.
  13. Not everyone uses the same method of sale. We charge the amount of memory and CPU used by each service. Then we sell additional slots apart for a different amount. This may not be common in USA but it is in South America.
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