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Everything posted by CloudCUBE

  1. Can you paste line 8, 9 and 10 of the XML file? is your tcadmin up to date so the newer configs work?
  2. I did it from my relative root. yours must of been different so adding cstrike\maplist.txt will fix it.
  3. cd %ThisService_WorkingDirectory% del \q maplist.txt cd maps For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%maplist.txt" that should work
  4. you won't need a batch script in each game folder, tcadmin will run the batch script from the monitor.
  5. This might be relevant. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=68372#post68372
  6. PM me your skype and ill give you a hand, V2 is great. you're probably making a simple mistake
  7. Are you running user per service? make sure file permissions are set right
  8. Hi everyone, steamcmd has changed the directory structure (again) thanks valve you're a pain in the ass. It no longer uses css\cstrike\ they have removed css\ so you need to upgrade the executable from \css\srcds.exe to just srcds.exe then goto steam update and switch it to steamcmd and app id 232330 For the firewall issue just use this script and put the event to 'after steam update' make sure there is no spacing in the code snippet above. (will work on 08 and 12)
  9. If its the master and the new hardware has a different IP you'll need to contact tcadmin support and give them the new IP so they can allow it for licensing. You'll also need to backup your SQLite or MySQL database and restore that on the new machine and it should be okay. If you have any remotes they'll need to be reconfigured to the new master IP too.
  10. are you able to query the gameserver with the query tool in tcadmin? and are you running any software/hardware firewalls?
  11. If you boot the service manually with remote desktop what error shows up in the srcds window?
  12. use TCA.Updates or TCA.Mods instead. all you need to do is put the minecraft_server.jar in a .zip and then specify where to extract it to.
  13. What error are you getting? If you're booting with UserPerService or TCAGame (default) you need to make sure you set compatibility for all users.
  14. If you're using Server 2012 you need to set compatibility mode. Make sure you can start the server with the same commandline tcadmin is using.
  15. 1. Error - 550 CWD failed. "/Games/l4d2/TCA.Mods" make sure you specify the whole filesystem. (I assume it's windows from note 4.) 2. This is possible for games such as Minecraft as its booted with ram in the command line. This will only work if the Game supports it. It's best to just leave RAM stats out for all games with the exception of Minecraft 3. File system settings for the game you wish to restrict is able to do this for you.
  16. Have you played with the settings in Admin > Servers ? Try leaving these fields blank.
  17. Hi all, I thought i'd share this with anyone interested. TCAdmin has built in Windows Firewall support but it was very vague so i wrote a script to make it a little more precise. Source Game Firewall Creation Event: Before Create and After move This opens up the UDP Game and Query Port and the RCON TCP Port for the gameserver executable (srcds.exe) Event: After Delete and Before Move Just removes the rule when the server is moved to different hardware within TCAdmin or the server is deleted in general. Here's a simple minecraft one. Event: Before Create and After Move Pretty much the same as the srcds one but allows more ports for things such as dynmap. Hopefully someone finds this useful. Tested and works for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012.
  18. Custom Scripting. Event: After Created and After Move '' Event: After Deleted and Before Move That should work for you.
  19. That can all be done with custom scripting http://help.tcadmin.com/Custom_Scripts
  20. use a custom script to hook into mysql command line to add data into the table. you can get the server ip and port from scripting but you'll need to get the user to define the port with user sent variables
  21. Why would you be shocked? Windows has a GUI and your linux distro is all shell.
  22. It cycles. and more to the point what would you suggest. they way i see it Minecraft is a game and we host games.
  23. Hi Guys, Been using TCAdmin since 2009 and have had quite a few themes in the past. Here is my latest. It's pretty basic but any feedback is appreciated. I would like to do more with the header but bootstrap is being difficult to intergrate into TCAdmins header. (we use bootstrap for our main site) http://zeushosting.com.au We have a few things such as scripts for automatic or manual minecraft backups and our newest feature being SVN for popular Garry's Mod addons and gamemodes. http://i.imgur.com/MDDXp09.jpg We've got a working phone system we're currently trialing internally that hooks into TCAdmins WHMCS api that lets you start/stop/restart and reset your account password over the phone with keypad prompts. it works :-) but thats all i can really say for now. No idea why the footer is broken in the last image. must of been my amazing MSPaint skillz~ Thanks
  24. what happens if you don't specify the IP in the command line?
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