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Everything posted by NinjaNife

  1. If you have the config file, just go to System Settings>Supported Games>Import (button at the bottom) and browse to the TCAdmin Config file. There is one on Page 3 of this thread and on the B3 website.
  2. Hey, is there any way to get the MySQL database to be made using a set username/password but a dynamic db name? In this case I would be wanting to use the main server "Display Name" (the name at the top of the server info box in TCAdmin), *not* the "Host Name" (I am installing b3 as a Secondary Application in the same directory as the gameserver).. I know there is the "%hostname%" command, but is there anything for the "Display Name"? Especially one that looks at the primary server and not the b3 server's name? An example is below. Main Server Type: CoD4 Server "Host Name" (setup when installing): CoD4 18 Slots Server "Display Name" (able to change after install): SnD I want the b3 database to be called "SnD" and to automatically grab the name from the main (CoD4) server.. Is this possible?
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