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Conversation Starter

Conversation Starter (2/8)



  1. cong ty dich vu ke toan

    dich vu thanh lap cong ty tron goi

    trung tam ke toang, cung kh? r?o, n?ng d?n n?i l?m c? s?p b?c hoi.

    Nhung m?, v?a nh?n th?y Ngu Ch?n Qu?c d?ng t? xa gi?m s?t c?, U?tNo?n T?m c?n ch?t rang l?i, n?i v?i ch?nh m?nh nh?t d?nh ph?i ki?n tr?,quy?t kh?ng th? d? ?ng ?y xem thu?ng. N?u nhu ngay c? ch?t th? th?ch n?y cung kh?ng ch?u du?c, c? th?c kh?ng x?ng ? b?n c?nh Ngu Li?n.

    B?y v?ng?

    T?m v?ng?

    Ch?n v?ng?

    Mu?i v?ng?

    V?o gi?y ph?t d?ng ch?y, U?t No?n T?m m?t d?n n?i n?m qu? tru?c m?tNgu Ch?n Qu?c, h?ng th? ra kh?i, mi?ng g?n nhu s?i b?t m?p, c? ngu?i run r?y.

    Nh?n th?y c? th? g?p dang mu?n n?i g? d?, Ngu Ch?n Qu?c cho r?ng c?xin tha v?i m?nh, ho?c n?i h?i h?n r?i, nhung ch? n

  2. Heres my Operation Flashpoint: Resistance config, if you go to configure the config file, you will recieve a error. I believe it has something to do with OFP's config code, it interacts with TCAdmins code. (If you needa true OFP file, and you can't get this to work, contact me) Enjoy! <div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <GAME> <GAMEID>TC8072527552468</GAMEID> <NAME>Operation Flashpoint: Resistance</NAME> <SHORTNAME>OFPR</SHORTNAME> <DEFAULTPORT>2302</DEFAULTPORT> <DEFAULTQUERYPORT>2302</DEFAULTQUERYPORT> <DEFAULTRCONPORT>2302</DEFAULTRCONPORT> <FILESFOLDER>OFP</FILESFOLDER> <RELATIVEEXECUTABLE>OFPR_Server.exe</RELATIVEEXECUTABLE> <RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY>/</RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY> <RELATIVEUSERFILES>/</RELATIVEUSERFILES> <INSTALLEDPATCH /> <FILEMAN_ACCESS>True</FILEMAN_ACCESS> <FTP_ACCESS>True</FTP_ACCESS> <IS_VOICE_SERVER>False</IS_VOICE_SERVER> <DEFAULTCMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -ip=%serverip%</DEFAULTCMDLINE> <DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -ip=%serverip%</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE> <PRIVATECMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -ip=%serverip%</PRIVATECMDLINE> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -ip=%serverip%</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE> <PBFOLDER>/pb</PBFOLDER> <PBURL /> <STEAMGAMETYPE /> <COMPATIBILITY>107</COMPATIBILITY> <DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <CONFIGFILE> <GAMEID>TC8072527552468</GAMEID> <CONTENTS> hostname = "%hostname% @g-force4u.com"; motd[]= { "YOUR MESSAGE HERE!", "Hosted by G-Force Gaming @ http://www.g-force4u.com" }; // Welcome message //interval between each line of the message you see when connection to server motdInterval=7; // add a line password="{password}" here to assign a password for this session, which everyone who wants to join the game will need in order to connect //password = "%privatepassword%"; // Admin password //the admin password for #login command passwordAdmin = "%rconpassword%"; //to show server in gamespy reportingIP="master.gamespy.com"; //number of players % vote needed to make a vote happen voteThreshold=0.5; //number of players needed before votes can take place voteMissionPlayers=1; //maximum number of players, going over %slots% breaches your contract maxplayers = %slots%; //Bandwith settings, do not edit. MaxMsgSend=128; MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed =256; MinErrorToSend=0.01; MinBandwidth=101072; MaxBandwidth=1000000;</CONTENTS> <DESCRIPTION>server.cfg</DESCRIPTION> <DISPLAYNAME>server.cfg</DISPLAYNAME> <RELATIVEPATH>server.cfg</RELATIVEPATH> <EDITOR_CONTENTS /> </CONFIGFILE> </DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <MODS> <MOD> <GAMEID>TC8072527552468</GAMEID> <MODID>TC0176050278606</MODID> <ASKHOSTNAME>False</ASKHOSTNAME> <ASKPASSWORD>False</ASKPASSWORD> <ASKRCON>False</ASKRCON> <COMMENTS>Crime City MOD</COMMENTS> <CONFIGFILECONTENTS /> <CONFIGFILENAME /> <CUSTOMCMDLINE /> <DEFAULTCMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -mod=@CC</DEFAULTCMDLINE> <DISPLAYNAME>@CC</DISPLAYNAME> <FILENAME>@CC.zip</FILENAME> <PRIVATECMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -mod=@CC</PRIVATECMDLINE> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE /> <USESCOMMANDLINE>True</USESCOMMANDLINE> <USESCONFIGFILE>False</USESCONFIGFILE> </MOD> <MOD> <GAMEID>TC8072527552468</GAMEID> <MODID>TC6771404077583</MODID> <ASKHOSTNAME>False</ASKHOSTNAME> <ASKPASSWORD>False</ASKPASSWORD> <ASKRCON>False</ASKRCON> <COMMENTS>War Games League</COMMENTS> <CONFIGFILECONTENTS /> <CONFIGFILENAME /> <CUSTOMCMDLINE /> <DEFAULTCMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -mod=@WGL</DEFAULTCMDLINE> <DISPLAYNAME>@WGL</DISPLAYNAME> <FILENAME>@WGL.zip</FILENAME> <PRIVATECMDLINE>-config=server.cfg -port=%serverport% -mod=@WGL</PRIVATECMDLINE> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE /> <USESCOMMANDLINE>True</USESCOMMANDLINE> <USESCONFIGFILE>False</USESCONFIGFILE> </MOD> </MODS> <RCONCOMMANDS /> </GAME></pre></div>
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