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  1. Sorry just saw your message right now. If you registred to the forum using the same email as you did for your license purchase you should be able to access them. If not log into the main page (where you can review your license). You should be able to white-list your address to the forums by yourself. If that fails to simply open up a support ticket, the staff is always helping.


    Hope this helps

  2. Really amazing theme, the best I've seen thus far!
  3. Hey, I saw your recent theme design (http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12110) and was wondering if its actually on sale.

  4. Great job! Looks like a sick theme so far =D. Hope you share it with us
  5. Hey,


    I've noticed in one of your posts where you said that people who have a purchased license have access to a special board in the forum. I currently own one but i have no idea on how to get access to that board. Could you help me out?

  6. Hello, I've been using tcadmin for a while now and I must say, I've been loving it along with the great support. I'm writing this thread in hopes that it will be read and considered by the developers: I think TCAdmin needs a server backup option. Auto server backups would be a great add-on to tcadmin and a great thing for gameserver providers or communities to have - it could be linked with whmcs with an option to pay for the backup service. Admins would be able to select auto server backup of the whole directory or only selected directories files, which would then get uploaded locally to users' directory or optionally to an external FTP server. This would mean also allowing admins or server owners to use a backup they've created before.
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