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Everything posted by PictoWolf

  1. Hmm that is a shame. Thanks for letting me know.
  2. Hello, Sorry if this is posted in the wrong location. Didn't know of a better spot. I currently have a terraria config built for windows and linux. My only issue is im not sure what query protocol it should be using. Any ideas? Thanks, Picto.
  3. Hello, What addon is it? I know some don't work on linux, an example being clockwork. Does it use any files such as .dll's some may be windows only? Just a thought really.
  4. I just ended up downloading it manually via SSH and forcing the install dir to /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/starbound
  5. I have have a linux config that works for me, Not got everything in it yet such as steam update but it's useable . starbound - Linux.xml
  6. Hello guys, I am wondering if any of you have a no more room in hell config for linux? Thanks
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