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  1. Paid BobGeek over a week ago, no licenses delivered except I receive another invoice to pay as a loan to another paypal account 60.00 for what he tells me were transfer fees and that he would later refund the 60.00. The fees charged by TCAdmin are 25.00 per license and so my response was a simple request to pass over the ticket indicating this 60 fee from tcadmin. Sent email to Bob, indicating that I am not comfortable doing this, I don't make random payments to people on promises, have since been ghosted and no licenses after having paid the man 130.00 USD on the 21st of Sept. Buyers from this gent, beware.
  2. Thank you Bob, I have all the remotes I need now. I appreciate your quick reply.
  3. Hi Bob, if you can send me a paypal invoice to stevie.m672@gmail.com I will pay it straight away, thanks!

  4. Excellent, can you email me an invoice to stevie.m672@gmail.com it is possible my email above was typod! My bad, and I will process it straight away. Thanks!
  5. Hello people, wondering if anyone has any v2 licenses for sale, looking for some remotes, if you have any please send offers to jrsmsgamers@gmail.com Thanks for looking, Steve
  6. Be sure to change the executable filename to 7daystodieserver.exe also note that the serverconf.xml has a minor change. They removed NAT.
  7. The required versions of the VC redistributable and Direct X, the installers that come with the server may need to be installed on your system, Razio made a post a while back about the MCrip everything VC installer and that app works great and will ensure you have all the versions of Visual C. From Direct X you can get an installer that will install all versions of DirectX past and present. I would double check you have the required redistributables installed, if you have downloaded the dedicated server and have not yet installed the required redistributables the server will not function properly.
  8. This is the Rust Experimental Commandline, it requires DedicatedServer.exe from the "Release" folder, so if this is the version you are trying to run then double check that the path to the executable is correct, make sure you have the prerequisites installed as well.
  9. Hi guys, dangioffre I have looked at your config. Your missing several key points, commandline, config file, steam port etc. One thing to note with this game is you need to make a new link for save files for the server to a reachable location for the admin panel for its saves and mods folder. Each service would need FTP access to its own folder in that folder. It requires a mklink command currently to move the files into a safe and more accessible location for clients to access, currently it stores those in the programfiles/appdata and client access to that location would not be recommended. I created a folder named SE_Saves in the TCAdmin/users folder. And you would have to manually create a virtual ftp link to the clients mod and save folder used by the instance. I am working on a few things to see if I can use TCAdmin to create those. But I find that the -path switch does not function and I cannot get the commandline to use an alternate config file path atm. From what I have read, by 3.0 release they will have dedicated servers sorted out. Issue here also is that it appears you need to create instances for each new server from within the console, this is manual and cannot be done from the commandline in my testing. Here is a video I found that is very good at showing how to manually create the service. I have built a config which includes all of the above missing items and its variables, however due to the limitation on creating instances manually from the server config panel I have not wrapped my head around how to assign a service to an instance of its own other than create them manually and assign them to a service. Although my service runs the game and queries I get a "host left server" message on connecting so I need to think on it. It is not an optimal dedicated server yet, but in 3.0 this could change and it would be less hoops to create. If I figure it out I will share the results. Maybe someone else will get it, for now I am going to browse youtube and maybe something will make sense of it.
  10. Razio, you are correct and it is Source, so +1 query port (HL 2 New). I haven't viewed the configs posted by kane above, but if the hostname does not show up, probably forgot to place it in quotations. ie. -hostname "$[HostName]" if the server.cfg is not being captured it is because the folder path was not indicated on the command line. ie. -datadir "yourcfgdirectory/"
  11. I know that I am using windows so this won't apply to linux servers but I will confirm that the Legacy Version for Windows works. I have yet to setup an experimental server, but will be working on it this weekend.
  12. Excellent! Thanks for the info.
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