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Everything posted by KissNode

  1. You're confused. This was the comment. "according to the Valve site, it appears to be using SRCDS, so try making a couple of your TF2 / SRCDS config and make appropriate adjustments. I came here second to see if anyone had made one already " The game doesn't use SRCDS, it uses SteamCMD. You can't run the game via SRCDS. Hence there isn't even a SRCDS config for the game. Logically, you could use a SRCDS config and change the values, but obviously that's completely irrelevant.
  2. That was for the Insurgency mod, not standalone. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Insurgency_2014_Dedicated_Server I always thought creating a game config was hard, until I actually attempted to create one myself. I used the starbound config to make my Insurgency config. Technically, you can use one config for everything, you just have to do a bit of editing and setting changes.
  3. What are you talking about? I never said that they had to be in the same directory, I even personally keep my folders outside the game server folder. I simply said they had to be on the same server; It's somewhat common sense, but it seems as if the OP thought you could have the files on a separate hard drive. I keep my mounted games in a completely separate directory, just for mounts, and I have the mount.cfg file pointed to the games within it.
  4. Create a support ticket to get a good answer. http://www.tcadmin.com/help.php
  5. Nope. Somewhat similar to Minecraft, Starbound slots can also be changed within the config file. Check the config file and see what the slots are set as there.
  6. Refer to this http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11438 . The stuff required for mono seems to no longer be supported. But I figured out a work around.
  7. Yes, the mounted files must be on the same server that the server is created on. They can be placed anywhere. If you need more help, let me know.
  8. It's simple. Use steamcmd to install CSS and TF2 in any directory, anywhere. Then edit the mount.cfg in the garrysmod folder and change it to the directories that your content is installed it. That way, whenever you install a server, it's already the right directory.
  9. Great. Hope you make some of the source code public!
  10. FIXED BY RUNNING THIS COMMAND. sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i386 I keep getting this really weird error when trying to create steam servers. I just set up tcadmin. Please help! Error - Steam download failed at 0%. Exit code 127 Everything is pretty much default since I just did a fresh install of Tcadmin. Running Linux Ubuntu 64 Bit Just tried running this cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd ./steamcmd.sh but got No such file or directory so then i ran apt-get install ia32-libs but got this error E: Package 'ia32-libs' has no installation candidate . When I googled the error, almost all sites say ia32-libs no longer work with newer versions of ubuntu. What should I do? P.S I followed this tutorial http://help.tcadmin.com/SteamCmd FIXED BY RUNNING THIS COMMAND. sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i386
  11. Anyone have TC1 warband config?
  12. Please post it here if you do. Would be greatly appreciated!
  13. Anyone have windows config for Warband? Thanks!
  14. of course I edited the post. Hence the reason I said let me rephrase this.. So, since you seem to know quite a lot about the hosting industry, what is your company's website and license? I'm just curious. I don't want to follow up on recommendations from want-to-be business owners.
  15. Well, we are getting pretty off topic now. I really just felt the need to reply to the post by Ipgservers, which I felt was somewhat ignorant.
  16. That statement is somewhat false. Compare HostBill to WHMCS in terms of exploit history.
  17. Hm... Let me rephrase what I said. WHMCS is like swiss cheese. When one exploit is patched another is found. Paying $15 for such low quality billing software would be such a waste. If I wanted to invest in third-party billing software, I would invest in HostBill. You get what you pay for. If you think WHMCS is a good billing software, I think you may be looking at hosting industry from the wrong angle. I?m just curious, do you have a company, and if so, what is your website?
  18. I know that Tcadmin can easily be automated with paid billing softwares, but I want to just use paypal checkout. Keeping it simple.
  19. Thanks for the reply Raizio. Unfortunately, I have used WHMCS many times in the past, and this time, I do not want to use it. I just want to go with am old school, basic, quick and simple checkout. All I'm using is embedded paypal code with text boxes. What I hope is that a PHP dev will be able to link the info submitted to automatically create the game servers.
  20. Hi, my new company is looking for someone who can help automate tcadmin with basic paypal checkout. Checkout will simply be a paypal box with configurable options for Username, Email, and Password, and of course the Game Server they want. We need a system that can automatically create the server with that user's information, then shoot them an email with the information. I personally don't know PHP, so I definitely need some help with this. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks!
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