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Everything posted by ltusher1

  1. ltusher1


    ok, well i have managed to create a linux config for TCAdmin but the problem is the server it crashes during launch giving and error saying it cannot load some libarys (will add text later) has anyone come across this or not got this far yet? Thanks
  2. LOL, Hope you got it sorted if not give me a shout.
  3. thanks this helped loads but what is the route cause of this issue?
  4. will there be any scope for this to happen in the future?
  5. Does anyone know if it is possable yet to host TCAdmin 2 control panel seprate to the master server yet?
  6. ltusher1

    Ram using 97% ?

    I'm getting the exact same problem on CentOS 5.6 Final please help!
  7. I'm having a problem with this theme where the header is shrunk and the sidebars go beside the header and not join at the bottem.
  8. I have the server files but it adds it's self to the original game and requires a valid EA account to run it im sorry but what files do i zip since its added its self to my files and i dont fancy a 9GB server file do you?
  9. I Have Wrote A New Config Just For 10 Have Fun! garrysmod10.txt
  10. what is the hlds comand to get ship
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