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  1. Any update on this> Imported the template and it fails to create the server asking for some files...
  2. Here's what I have t the moment: <?php mysql_connect("ADDRESS", "USER", "PASSWORD") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("DATABASE") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT s.ip_address,s.game_port,g.display_name,g.query_protocol,g.game_id,ls.online,ls.map,ls.name,ls.max_players,ls.players,ls.service_id FROM tc_game_services s INNER JOIN tc_games g ON s.game_id = g.game_id INNER JOIN tc_game_service_live_stats ls ON s.service_id = ls.service_id WHERE online = 1 ORDER BY g.display_name ASC, ls.name ASC") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "<li><img src='images/gameimages/mini/16/" . $row['game_id'] . ".png' border='0' width='16px' height='16px' /> <a href='http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/" . $row['ip_address'] . ":" . $row['game_port'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $row['ip_address'] . ":" . $row['game_port'] . "</a> (" . $row['players'] . "/" . $row['max_players'] . ")</li>"; } ?> So I have the address and online/max slots. Only thing I'm having trouble with is showing only the results by userid 15. Anyone shed any light?
  3. That would be a great help. Don't quite fully get all this table calling and stuff xD
  4. Anyone got a script for showing stats for servers owned by a certian user id. E.g. I want to show the status and player count on a website for demo servers owned by the admin account. I seem to get multiple results for the same server (some wrong). GMod Server (0/0) GMod Server (0/0) GMod Server (0/) GMod Server (0/) GMod Server (2/6) GMod Server (2/6) GMod Server (0/8) GMod Server (0/8) GMod Server (0/0) GMod Server (0/0) And I can't seem to grab the ip or port from the mysql table. I'll give it another shot tomorrow.
  5. Tried Steam CMD? 510 Left 4 Dead Dedicated Server
  6. Try this.. starbound - Windows.xml
  7. OK mine now launches now. However no idea how you set the slots in the config or where to set the IP it's bind to.
  8. Anyone got a Windows config? Not having much luck with the one I've made.
  9. Any one have a Starbound config?
  10. The query protocol seems to be wrong too. Drop it down to gamespy 4 and it seems to stop spaming emails saying it's not responding
  11. Ahh seems I can't view PM's :/
  12. I came back to look for this script. Checked my archives and I've found it PM me if you would like it. Can view an example on my site of the above code: http://killingceiling.co.uk E.g: Currently there are 57 players on our network playing across 15 online servers.
  13. Yeah this is great. as batch update wasn't working for us. However do you need a steam account with cs:go on it or was that just for beta, currently it has my personal steam account. EDIT: Created a new steam account just for tcadmin and works fine.
  14. I would like to display the total number of players online accross the total number of game servers running. So far I can display the total number of players online but I can't seem to get back the total number of servers running. E.g. I want to have on my site "## players are online across ## servers. " Is anyone able to help? EDIT: I've done it now works a treat
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