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  1. Hi All, I was not sure what Category to ask this question. How are people handling/allocating Extra Ports for Minecraft Servers when people are ordering. As I only have use of a few IPs and I know that if I have multiple customers wanting to use mods that require other ports, How would you stop them from overlapping? Thanks
  2. @MrFreeze4U@Escvnor Hey, Was the error you got 'StartError' when you tried running the server? If so could you share the fix? Thanks
  3. As above MySQL Database creation would be good for DayZ Servers & Minecraft Custom Links (I know this was in V1 just wondering about an update File Backup Options where you can backup 1 files or all files. Thanks
  4. I have this script and when I create a server it gets stuck at 90% of creating the server so I guess it must be this script but I cannot work out whats wrong. "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe" -u root -p****** create database %UserName%%ServiceId%Chernarus; create database %UserName%%ServiceId%Lingor; create user '%UserName%%ServiceId%'@'localhost' identified by '%UserName%%ServiceId%'; grant all privileges on %UserName%%ServiceId%Chernarus.* to '%UserName%%ServiceId%'@'localhost'; grant all privileges on %UserName%%ServiceId%Lingor.* to '%UserName%%ServiceId%'@'localhost'; exit This should work from what I know It before server is created.
  5. Thanks for the reply I saw someone else posted the same question further down so I think it might be fixed with just putting Start at the start lol
  6. As the title says. Any help on this would be great as I can only see options to run a script before start and at reinstall. Thanks
  7. Thanks for that just what I was looking for. Do you happen to have a copy of the config file you use in the WHMCS module? Do you manually create the user and server or do you let the WHMCS module do it. Cause I cant figure out how you could set the instance IDs if it was auto created. Thanks again
  8. Does anyone happen to have a DayZ config they would be willing to share? Thanks
  9. I use Mutlicraft for my Minecraft servers xD I havent got round to moving TCAdmin yet only just managed Multicraft. I do find it strange that your having problems with your minecraft servers.
  10. I will have a look into this thanks for the reply
  11. I am thinking about reinstalling windows on my dedicated server as my hard drive performance has dropped to 2MB a sec when transferring files. I feel the only way I can fix this is starting fresh. I have tried a defrag and updates with no luck. What is the best way to back up TCAdmin2 and reinstall it with the least problems as I have various customers files on there and dont want to have to re add customers manually. Thanks for any help.
  12. Is it possible to have a button on the mods page where if there is a update for a mod it says update instead of install which will pull a file from a link or zip so it would be separate from the normal update as things like minecraft have dev builds which would be nice to just give customers the option to update quickly. Also sub folders in mods for category's which can be named for different types of mods. Also having the custom links option from V1 would be a great thing to have back again and also the news feed like V1 aswel, which could just pop up for the customer like we see updates. Sorry I know this is a long post.
  13. So there is no way to turn off the automatic startup you mean? If not, will this feature be coming? Thanks
  14. When I update TCAdmin, All the servers start up even if they were turned off before the update. Is there a way to change this? Thanks
  15. That theme is for V2 lol
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