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  1. I'm afraid this was discontinued and is no longer available.
  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH Automatic restart on crash!!
  3. Thanks. Also does the custom icons mean custom buttons can be added or is it just replacement icons for the current buttons?
  4. Thanks. When I try updating, half of my servers don't update automaticly and I have to go through them manually. Any idea why this is happening?
  5. It's another step towards full automation which I try to follow as much as possible. This loosens the work load for my and my support operators as well as giving much more of a spontaneous, fluid and speedy user experience.
  6. Admins can move game servers yes via the actions menu, but it's just to a set server, not to a datacenter. I'm not 100% sure but I think he meant that users would be able to move their own servers around when they needed.
  7. Hey Guys, I've recently been having lots of crashing issues with TCAdmin, i'm trying to figure out the cause. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the sudden load of customers I've received from being number 1 on bestminecrafthosts. We sometimes have 50-60 people on the control panel at once in the evening. Has anyone else reached this number and are you running fine and smoothly? Thanks, Victor CEO of Vmlweb LTD
  8. Is this fix applied in 2.0.42? or do I need to apply the update 2.0.9999 you said. I'm having this issue too.
  9. Awesome job with the MySQL replication. I had my master in france, and remotes in pennsylvania. Now I've setup the mysql replication along with a control panel in pennsylvania users are reporting up to 10x the speed than when it was going through the master.
  10. I currently use a script to install a httpd virtual http directory pointing to a redirect folder in the root of the game server files. It would be great for this to be integrated though,
  11. Seemless upgrade, thanks for the sub users, loads of requests for it.
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