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Everything posted by Marcin

  1. It doesnt matter if -game insurgency is present or not (and yes, I tested it). Original line advertised by insurgency 2 forum is: srcds.exe +maxplayers 32 -console -ip -port 27015 +hostname "Insurgency Server #123" +map heights +rcon_password remoteme and is starting server fine and without problems.
  2. Hi, Anyone have working config for that game? I can't get it to work correctly with TCAadmin. Every attempt to start it from control panel gives me error: ServiceStart: failed to start ServiceStart: failed to start utlmemory.cpp (261) : Assertion Failed: nBytesItem is 0 in UtlMemory_CalcNewAllo cationCount Assert( Assertion Failed: nBytesItem is 0 in UtlMemory_CalcNewAllocationCount ): ..\tier1\utlmemory.cpp:261 and game crashes. When I'm starting it manually it's working fine and without problems (using line generated through TCAdmin): D:\UserFiles\marcing\GameServers\TC34558532062334527620678\srcds.exe -console -usercon +maxplayers 32 -port 27015 +ip +net_public_adr +hostname "Insurgency 2" +map ministry +rcon_password pass +log on +exec server.cfg I'm attaching couple of dump filses from failed startups. Regards, Marcin Archive.zip
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