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Everything posted by 7calories

  1. I'm wondering if its possible to somehow set TCAdmin to use a SSL certificate? I am using a sub-domain cp.mydomain.com and bought a WildCard certificate, but I am curious if anyone got it setup?
  2. Is there a way to choose which packages get their own IP address and which ones get shared ones?
  3. How would I go about setting this up so the initial installs use only the IP I assign?
  4. Is it possible to make it so, for example, 10 servers can be setup on one IP address automatically? And is there a way to change the server IP and port later through TCA? Edit: Oops type, meant to spell it Assigning*
  5. Ok, thanks perfect since its on CentOS anyway. Thank you! Any ETA on next release?
  6. Sorry if I am a little confused. This is the first time I've tried TCA. For that custom php config, its a specific number though. On my order form I want to set different packages with different memory values that users can select what ram package they want and have that value pushed to the command line for Minecraft when it starts up.
  7. With these commands in the custom script, TCA will automatically push IPTables to open up the necessary ports when it creates the game servers? I was looking more along the lines of what is needed to be put into the custom script to get it to open up the port it uses when it makes servers.
  8. Thanks. Also, is there a way to get WHMCS to pass the memory values for different Minecraft packages when it sets up new servers? I want it to pass the values from WHMCS to the command line values for the server when it creates it (256MB, 512MB, etc.) Or would I need to create separate configuration files for each package?
  9. By any chance could you give me the commands necessary to open up whatever ports are necessary? I would greatly appreciate it!
  10. Is there a feature or a way to have TCAdmin open up ports on IPTables whenever necessary? Say if someone were to order a CS:S server, it would automatically create the server and open up port 27015 for that IP?
  11. Is it possible to make it so only admins can change the IP/port in the server.properties configuration file for Minecraft as well?
  12. Would I need to create a new order for each user in WHMCS to do this? Since the packages are stored in WHMCS and not TCA.
  13. Do you have any tips on transferring files over? Should I create the user, create a game for them in TCAdmin and just copy and paste the old files over into their folder?
  14. The majority of my clients are running on GameCP and I want to switch everyone slowly over to TCAdmin. Of course, everyone is also hooked up to WHMCS for auto-setups and account organization. Does anyone have any recommendation on how to make accounts for TCAdmin for these users while keeping them linked to WHMCS?
  15. Ok thanks, I'll give it a shot and report back.
  16. I looked at that, but I'll try it again later today. Is there anything else that it could possibly be?
  17. I'm configuring it as a remote. I can login to the web installer just fine, but it is just when I go to click finish and restart is when it gives me the message to wait a few seconds for the monitor to restart, but it just stops there (no popup loading screen like when I setup the master service - on both Firefox and Chrome). I tried restarting the service manually doing monitor-service restart, I tried doing a stop and start, no dice. I can't access the web panel at that point anymore. I've tried using all kinds of database options, no MySQL and with it. I've tried connecting it to the master server's database, its own empty database, and even executed the MySQL.sql file into a clean database and tried that. Nothing seems to make it actually complete the configuration.
  18. I already turned that one off when I tried to install it; it didn't really help lol.
  19. Yep, tried all that and it still hangs during the install lol.
  20. All the ports are open and there is no firewall installed at the moment.
  21. Anyone ever run into this problem for the remote machine? I've waited 10 minutes for it to restart and its not working. "The configuration has been saved. Please wait a few seconds while the monitor restarts" I am using CentOS 5.
  22. Hi LFA, that was the answer I was looking for! I am going to try it to see if it works . Goran, I appreciate the help too! I'll update this if I run into any problems .
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