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  1. Hi! I read about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Linux Config, and I tried to use this config's method for SWAT4, and at the end... IT WORKED! Sorry for my bad english. Requires: wine xvfb xauth Best Regards, Francesco Pro-Server.it - ITALIAN GAME, VOICE, WEB HOSTING:) SWAT4 - Linux.xml
  2. diseee


    I setted the values using the command line manager:)
  3. diseee


    Hi! I don't really know if this is a bug, this is a little thing. I've a minecraft server, I set Xmx and Xms to 2GB, but in the gameserver page the Memory percentage is 100% when server use 1GB, So my server uses 1.5GB my memory percentage will be 150% Sorry for my bad english, bye:)
  4. Hi, I must know the hash method for the passwords in TCAdmin 2... Thanks in advance. EDIT: If you can't give me the hash algorith, is there a binary that returns me the hashed password ? Thanks
  5. And Can I create a user, without a service ?
  6. Hi ! I'd like try to create a script that list me my services... But in the TCAdmin2 knowledge i didn't find any command list... Where I can get it ?
  7. Hi! I created a COD4 server, and it started with the port 28960 But when I tried to create a COD2 server it started with the port 28960, with the same port of my COD4 server ! Why ? If I create another COD4 server it starts with port 28961... Please help me :]
  8. Not, for make a 64 slots server you must add in the command line: +set ui_maxclients 64
  9. So... Can anyone post the final version of MW3 Config file ?
  10. I downloaded the peace's Call of Duty 8.txt config, and I imported it to TCAdmin 1... I setup two modern warfare 3 gameservers... And they works without problems :/
  11. Hi, I've got the same problem I set in tcadmin-config "WEB_PORT=80" but nothing...
  12. Hi, TCAdmin doesn't work. I tried to reinstall it, but if I do ./monitor-console It return a error: Whyyy ?
  13. but if I set port 80 on tcadmin-config ... the webserver doesn't work
  14. Hi ! Can I create a virtualhost for use a subdomain like "tcadmin.mydomain.tld" for access to my tcadmin's gamepanel ?
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