?_? After this update
Monitor Version:
Web Version:
my servers are with the status 'Unknown', why ? I haven't got libpcap on my ubuntu's repository, i install it from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/libpcap0.7/download
TCAdmin Version:
Operating System: Ubuntu Server 10.04 32bit
Machine Specs: CPU 4%, Memory: 97% (bug, ive got 8 gb and 3% is used), Drives: 38%
Database Type: MySQL
The bug is... In top, or gnome-system-control there aren't any process that use 7 gb of ram! The ram checker of tcadmin is bugged
I've got 4 servers in a xeon quadcore with 8gb of ram... I stop 3 servers and the ram utilized is 90%...
one server CAN'T use 7gb of ram... It's impossible...
EDIT: I stop all servers, ts3 server too...
But the ram is 88%...
I use the command "top" but... I don't see how much programs that using lot of ram...
This is safely a bug of TCAdmin, in the gnome-monitor-system i can't see process that use 7 gb of rams or lot of ram...
I'm using the 5% of the ram! I have already set gnome-monitor-system for show me all process of all users.
Is a bug of TCAdmin ? T_T
Hi, i'm back with a new post! How is possible that i'm using the 97% of 8gb (ram) ? I'm using 7 gb of 8 gb ... Is this a bug of tcadmin ? How I can know is I really use this ram ?
Hi, i buy a license of TCAdmin 2. I have configured the panel but call of duty 4 servers crashes in the map changing... why ? There isn't anything that report the crash in the log... I think that TCAdmin end the process ... Why ?
The server crash only if is there a promod or a mod i think....