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  1. What about custom modifications and not just css edits for the control panel itself (div/html)?
  2. You realize when a raid array fails (complete failure) the data on the other drives is pretty much gone unless you only use RAID-1 - and even then that can also get corrupted. It's not a backup solution, and I feel sorry for your clients since you seem to think it is.
  3. I'm sorry thinking RAID can't fail is just stupid. RAID is not a backup solution and should never be considered such. I've personally had RAID-10 fail on me more often then I'd like and this is a full blown hardware RAID-10 setup with a BBU. Right, which is my point - there should be a automated backup solution in place where TC-Admin uploads the backups to a centralized server and allows the client to download their backups through the control panel. I can't see that being very hard to setup tbh. While I could script this up externally I really would prefer it to be integrated right into TC-Admin so my clients do not need to go to another website just to download a backup and then have to upload them on top of it.
  4. RAID is not a backup solution and it can fail. Personally I'd very much like to see a backup system similar to the FTP server option - setup a single backup box and let the system make backups and transfer them there. Then allow the client to download them through a option in the panel. Don't really see what the issue would be there, especially if you setup rate limiting.
  5. Use a custom script to do this. Extremely easy - if you need help try looking on WHT for someone to do it for you.
  6. Will the ability to make your own custom themes be coming before the beta ends or after? If it's after, could you add in a service API for stop/start/restart/etc so we can integrate into our billing systems or design our own control panel utilizing that API before the beta ends? The ability to modify colors and use your own css is nice but it really doesn't change the fact that a lot of my clients complain about the general design - I personally want to create something custom that will look nice.
  7. I recommend you do not update to this - it broke my control panel (Linux).
  8. Will load balancing by memory usage ever be available?
  9. Hello, Basically, in a nutshell: On server creation, folders/files are given root for the owner - this includes the server directory "6" in this instance. tcagame/owner/6/root directory owner is root:root, 6 is root:root, and every file in the directory is root:root. To even start the server, I have to set it 6 to tcagame:tcagame, and every file in the root directory needs to be tcagame:tcagame or tcagame:root. Additionally ftp sets any new uploads to root:root, when it should be doing tcagame:tcagame/tcagame:root. I'm not sure if this is a setting I need to change manually in tcadmin 2.0 (if so, I can't find where). Can you please help me out?
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