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  1. Yeah, just did that. Seems to be only temporary though.
  2. What are you running it as? TCAGame? If so, set it to local system and try running it like that through TCAdmin.
  3. Happened again today, at the time of posting this. Once again, all servers are undefined. Slow loading not able to use the panel in any form. Could we have some information on this issue?
  4. Yeah, it's just started to happen again. DNS is fine now. But still undefined and the panel is running rather slow.
  5. Hello, we're currently having a problem with TCAdmin v2. All of our game servers are coming up with Undefined. Yet when we go into the server browser the servers are online and working fine. If we try to use the game downloader we get the error "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized" Then when we try to check for updates we get the error "Error: NameResolutionFailure" Does anyone have any idea what is the problem? Edit: Just clicked on about and it came up with "Last Error: (-6) Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown."
  6. This is fixed by changing every "mg_bomb" to "mg_allclassic" in the gamemodes.txt. If you type disconnect into console it should bring up "Could not find or connect to a ds"
  7. Hey, im trying to allow our TCadmin 2.0 to allow .dll uploads, on the Knowlegebase it says: "By default, TCAdmin restricts .exe and .dll files from being uploaded through either the File Manager or FTP. You can allow clients to upload these file extensions but be aware this is a security threat. To allow uploading of these file extensions go to either System Settings >> Plugins >> File Manager System Settings >> Plugins >> FTP Server" But i cannot find this on Tcadmin 2, Could anyone help us please?
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